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Webinar: Top 10 Distribution KPIs – and Why They Matter

In today’s new now, it’s important to do everything to shave costs, increase revenue and boost profitability. The challenge is identifying where new efficiencies can be found. The answers are revealed by detailed and accurate KPIs driven by data from your ERP solution. But which KPIs are the most critical?


Chicago Tube & Iron

Chicago Tube & Iron was at a technology dead-end: Its 30-year-old, green-screen Unix-based operations management system was heavily customized and difficult to maintain and update. While it served the company well for many years through changing business models, it was time for an upgrade

4 Potential Solutions for the Manufacturing Labor Shortage

Skilled manufacturing jobs continue to go unfilled, despite the ongoing economic recovery from the pandemic downturn, strong job growth overall, rising wages across nearly every vertical and high unemployment in the service sector (and others). The result is production bottlenecks, reduced capacity, unfilled orders, low inventories and lost sales. What…

Global Consumer Goods Organization Improves Business Processes and Prepares for Growth

Global organizations, particularly those dealing in Consumer Goods, often struggle with piecemeal systems, which create inconsistent approaches to business processes and financials.

5 Guidelines for Evaluating ERP Systems for CPG Manufacturers

Today’s ERP systems for Consumer Products Manufacturers (CPG) must drive true transformation. In order to compete, consumer goods companies must keep pace with customer demand while managing margins and complying with ever-changing safety and environmental regulations

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