Expert ERP Implementation Consultants

Expertise applied. Success expected. At Ultra Consultants, we believe in putting your business needs first and ensuring a successful ERP implementation.

Our approach centers on understanding your unique requirements and goals. We leverage our expertise in structured project management to keep your project on track, while optimizing resource allocation to maximize efficiency.

Additionally, we foster strong relationships with your chosen vendors, ensuring everyone is working collaboratively towards a successful outcome. Ultimately, our commitment is to your ERP project‘s success and the realization of your full business value.

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ERP implementation services focused on your goals.

Ultra’s ERP software consulting is built on 27 years of manufacturing and distribution industry experience. This expertise is a main contributor to successful ERP projects, achieving your desired future state for business operations and, ultimately, business processes improvement.

Working with client and vendor resources, Ultra’s ERP consultants drive the activities needed for a more predictable, on-time and on-budget transformation to efficient processes and a modern technology platform. What’s more, our organizational consulting services are embedded throughout our methodology to ensure your organization and people are engaged, educated, collaborative and prepared for significant change.


Our experience across various industries combined with the hard work we do in the business process optimization phase drive your ERP software project forward. We bring efficiency, project timeframe benchmarks, and time-to-benefit—implementing solutions that drive true business transformation.


Ultra's methodology is designed to maximize the integration of your team, your software vendor, your implementation partner and our consultants, providing support to bring key personnel together.


Our business process consultants ensure your solution is implemented and configured to achieve your future state business operations goals.


Well-managed ERP system implementation lowers your business operational risks, improves speed-to-value, minimizes project scope creeps, and reduces delays caused by error or rework.

ERP Software Implementation Strategy

The Ultra team combines forces with your team and technology vendor to achieve your strategic goals and ensure success. We utilize our deep knowledge and proven best practices to guide every aspect of the ERP project. Our ERP software consulting framework ensures all related project components are included. And our experienced consultants find and fill gaps in knowledge, skills, and resources.

Examples of technology implementation projects

Evans Food Group worked with Ultra Consultants for ERP


“Ultra was able to rapidly add two significant  acquisitions to our existing business footprint. Both were completed successfully on accelerated timelines, [allowing] us to grow our business with minimal disruption…” Read the case study.



Chicago Tube & Iron

“The challenges we had, we were able to overcome with Ultra’s help. And we were able to do invoicing, shipping and all our other core functions on Day One, which can’t be said about many ERP implementations.” Read the case study.


Independent Can Co.

“The implementation manager was onsite, on the ground, steering the project. His experience was a major factor in the success of the project. Project management was a key to the rapid implementation.” Read the case study.

The Benefits of Working with Ultra Consultants

Partnering with independent ERP consultants offers several advantages for your business when embarking on an Enterprise Resource Planning implementation journey. 

1. Expertise in ERP Systems and Business Processes

Ultra’s ERP consultants bring a deep understanding of ERP systems and their functionalities, specializing in the intricate details of various ERP modules. This expertise allows us to tailor these modules precisely to your unique business needs.

We are proficient in industry best practices and use this knowledge to enhance your business processes and workflows. By aligning the capabilities of top ERP solutions with your specific business requirements, we ensure that the implemented Enterprise Resource Planning system optimally boosts efficiency and productivity.

2. Tailored Solutions for Unique Business Needs

Every business has its own set of requirements and challenges. As ERP consultants, we excel at analyzing these unique needs and tailoring ERP software accordingly. 

We conduct thorough assessments of existing processes, identify pain points and recommend customized configurations and enhancements to address your specific business challenges. This personalized approach ensures that the ERP software aligns seamlessly with your organization’s workflows and technology solutions, enabling a smooth transition and minimizing disruptions.

3. Project Management and ERP Implementation Support

Successful ERP implementations involve various tasks, timelines, and stakeholders. Ultra’s ERP consultants provide expertise to ensure a well-structured and organized implementation process for your business.

We create detailed project plans, set realistic timelines and define clear milestones to track progress. We also collaborate with your internal teams and external vendors to coordinate activities, resolve issues and manage risks effectively. With our guidance, your business can navigate the complexities of Enterprise Resource Planning implementation with confidence.

4. Data Migration and Integration

Data migration is a critical aspect of an ERP project. Ultra’s ERP consulting services bring extensive experience in data migration, ensuring that data from legacy systems is accurately transferred to the new system.

We employ proven methodologies and tools to extract, transform and load data, ensuring its integrity and consistency. We also assist with data cleansing and mapping, ensuring that the migrated data aligns with your new system’s structure and requirements. Additionally, we facilitate seamless integration with other systems, such as CRM or SCM, to enable efficient data flow and process automation.

5. User Training and Change Management

Successful implementation goes beyond technical aspects; it requires effective change management and user adoption. Ultra Consultants plays a vital role in training end-users and facilitating organizational change.

We develop comprehensive training programs, conduct workshops and provide ongoing support to ensure that your employees are comfortable and proficient in using the new ERP system. We also assist in other activities, such as communication planning, stakeholder engagement and addressing resistance to change. By focusing on user adoption, we help your business unlock the full potential of the ERP investment for true business transformation.

Looking closer at our enterprise technology selection services

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ERP Implementation

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ERP Implementation Planning

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ERP Project Management

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ERP Data Conversion

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ERP Report

Broad expertise, working for you.

Ultra-managed ERP software solution projects often include critical ERP-integrated solutions such as Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Product Lifecycle Management and other cutting-edge technology. We partner with the top software vendors in every industry. Our goal: manage the selection and implementation process to find the perfect solution for your organization and its unique business needs.

Unlike other ERP consulting firms, Ultra Consultants is 100% independent.

What is an Independent ERP Consultant?

An independent ERP consultant is a professional who possesses a deep understanding of ERP systems and their implementation. Unlike consultants associated with specific ERP vendors, independent consultants offer unbiased advice and guidance. They are not tied to any particular software or vendor, allowing them to provide objective recommendations tailored to meet your business needs.

Why Choose an Independent ERP Consultant?

1. Expertise and Experience:

Ultra’s ERP consultants bring a wealth of knowledge and years of experience to the table. We have a proven track record of successfully implementing ERP solutions and enterprise software across various manufacturing and distribution industries and organizations. Our expertise enables us to understand your unique business requirements and recommend the most suitable ERP solution.

2. Unbiased Recommendations:

One of the significant advantages of working with an independent consultant is their ability to provide unbiased recommendations. Since Ultra is not affiliated with any specific vendor, our advice is solely based on your organization’s needs. This allows you to select an ERP system that aligns perfectly with your business goals, instead of being influenced by vendor preferences.

3. Cost Savings:

Implementing an ERP system can be a significant investment. The independent ERP consultants at Ultra Consultants can help you optimize your budget by guiding you towards the most cost-effective solution. We have the knowledge to negotiate contracts and ensure that you are not overpaying for unnecessary features. By minimizing expenses, we help you achieve a quicker return on investment.

4. Customization and Scalability:

Every business is unique, with its own set of processes and requirements. Our ERP consultants understand this and work closely with you to ensure that the ERP system is tailored to your specific needs. We can help you identify areas where customization is necessary and ensure that the system can scale as your business grows.

5. Project Oversight:

Implementing an ERP system can be a complex undertaking, requiring careful planning and coordination, along with technical knowledge. Ultra’s ERP consultants are skilled project managers who can oversee the entire implementation process. From selecting the right software to coordinating with vendors and managing timelines, we ensure a smooth transition and minimize disruptions to your business operations.

ERP consultant

ERP Implementation Consultants—Frequently Asked Questions

The most common reason for ERP project failure in reaching the intended ROI and time-to-benefit expectations is because of inexperienced project managers. When the person tasked with bringing the company-wide initiative to fruition is not familiar with either the scope or the process of such an undertaking, problems inevitably arise.

Implementing a new ERP system or business process improvement solution can be overwhelming and frustrating. Many common pain points can be avoided entirely through proper planning. Consider partnering with ERP consultants—like Ultra Consultants—who have decades of experience in your industry and understand your business. An outside expert can facilitate simpler proven methods for implementation and adoption by all team members, removing roadblocks to success and accelerating ROI.

The duration of implementation can vary depending on several factors, such as the size of your organization, complexity of processes, and customization requirements. On average, ERP implementation can take anywhere from a few months to a year.

It involves several stages, including planning, configuration, data migration, testing, and training. It’s crucial to set realistic expectations and work closely with your ERP vendor to establish a reasonable timeline. Get started with this ERP implementation checklist.

The cost of implementation can vary widely based on factors such as the size of the organization, the complexity of processes, and the chosen ERP system.

It’s important to consider not only the initial implementation costs but also ongoing maintenance, licensing, and support fees. While ERP implementation can be a significant investment, the long-term benefits and ROI often outweigh the costs.

Choosing the right ERP system is crucial for successful implementation. Start by conducting a thorough needs analysis to identify your specific requirements. Consider factors like scalability, industry-specific functionalities, user-friendliness, integration capabilities, and vendor reputation.

Engage in demos, talk to other users, and seek expert advice to make an informed decision. ERP consultants—like Ultra Consultants—can streamline your ERP system selection process and ensure a successful implementation.

Implementation can cause some disruption during the transition phase. However, with proper planning and effective change management, you can minimize the impact on your day-to-day operations. Make sure to communicate the implementation plan to employees, provide training and support, and allocate resources accordingly to ensure a smooth transition.

Yes, implementing ERP in stages is a popular approach, especially for larger organizations. By breaking down the implementation into manageable phases, you can minimize risks, focus on critical areas, and adapt as needed. This staged approach allows for greater flexibility and reduces the burden on employees and resources.

Industry Insights

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