ERP Consulting for Metal Fabrication

Software Selection & Implementation for Metals

Ultra combines critical insight into the capabilities of today's leading ERP systems with a deep understanding of the metal forming and fabrication industry's challenges. We put this expertise to work for our clients—driving a more predictable, on-time and on-budget digital transformation. 

Our Clients

Forming and Fabrication
Forming and Fabrication

The Wagner Companies

“Ultra outlined a gap analysis of our systems and processes compared to industry best practices. With Ultra’s guidance, we selected and implemented a new ERP system. Ultra guided us through the entire process and we found them to be an extremely qualified and competent partner at every stage.” 
Kelly Renner, CIO


Top priorities are efficiency, information and agility.

Unpredictable marketplaces are forcing forming and fabrication companies to rethink their supply chain and inventory strategies – and to invest in ERP solutions that accelerate processes, provide analysis and facilitate change.


Intelligent planning and smart shop floor management offer the ability to handle disruption, anticipate demand and deliver on time.


Accurate estimating and comprehensive job-costing capabilities make it possible to know which projects are profitable – and which are not.


Modern ERP solutions optimize processes and boost efficiency, enabling nearly every function to do more with fewer people.


Tools that improve production efficiency and cost control are key to battling increasing globalization and proliferating competition.

We Understand ERP for Metal Manufacturing, Forming and Fabrication

Metals manufacturing businesses can vary in size and focus on a wide range of products, from structural steel, to tools, parts and machines. Regardless of size and specialty, all metals manufacturers face common challenges to their business operations:

  • Supply chain management
  • Worker shortages
  • Cost challenges
  • Productivity

These challenges require efficient and streamlined processes to ensure optimal productivity and profitability. Ultra Consultants can help marry ERP technology with your business goals for true digital transformation success.

Industry Insight

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ERP Vendor Update: Metal Fabrication

The ERP Vendor Update: Metal Fabrication offers a close-up look at 8 top ERP solutions for the fabricated metal products industry.


Flexible technology sets the stage for growth.

The forming and fabrication industry is complex and comprises dozens of sectors and hundreds of sub-sectors, each with its own challenges and unique ERP requirements.

Growth-focused companies are investing in technologies that enhance manufacturing agility and enable accurate forecasting and organizational efficiency. Product-focused fabricators leverage production line automation and Industry 4.0 tools to enable innovation and accelerate production. And forward-looking firms are embracing modern ERP solutions to improve operational visibility, build powerful analytics, eliminate paper processes and enable ecommerce.

After more than 20 years of providing manufacturing consulting services, Ultra Consultants would be happy to help your business choose ERP software for metal fabrication and forming.

Key Focus Areas for Metal Fab Consulting

1. Streamlined Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management is one of the key focus areas in the forming and fabrication industry. ERP systems provide your company with a centralized platform to manage the entire supply chain, from procurement of raw materials to the delivery of finished products.

With real-time visibility into inventory levels, production schedules and supplier performance, your company is able to optimize supply chain operations, reduce lead times and ensure timely product delivery to customers. This improved supply chain management leads to better planning, reduced stockouts and minimized inventory holding costs.

2. Reduced Waste and Scrap

Through the implementation of ERP systems, your company gains better control and visibility over the production processes, enabling you to identify areas of inefficiency and waste.
By analyzing real-time data on production yield, scrap rates and quality control metrics, your company can optimize manufacturing processes, reduce material waste and improve overall productivity. This not only leads to cost savings, but also enhances sustainability efforts by minimizing the environmental impact of your operations.

3. Improved Product Quality

For your company to meet customer expectations and ensure satisfaction, maintaining high product quality is crucial. ERP systems play a crucial role in achieving this by providing comprehensive quality control modules. These modules enable your company to monitor and track quality metrics throughout the production process, from raw material inspection to final product testing.

By leveraging real-time data on quality control, your company can quickly identify and address any issues or deviations, ensuring that only products meeting the highest standards reach the market. This focus on quality results in increased customer satisfaction, improved brand reputation and reduced risk of product recalls or returns.

4. Increased Production Efficiency

ERP systems offer critical modules such as production planning, scheduling and capacity utilization, enabling your company to optimize production operations. With real-time visibility into machine availability, labor allocation and production bottlenecks, your company can streamline workflows, reduce downtime and maximize resource utilization. This leads to increased production efficiency, shorter lead times and higher output levels, ultimately enhancing your competitive advantage in the already tough market.

5.Reduced Costs

Cost reduction is a universal goal for all businesses, and forming and fabrication companies are no exception. ERP systems provide your company with the tools and insights needed to identify cost-saving opportunities across your operations.
By analyzing data on labor costs, material procurement, energy consumption and maintenance expenses, your company can identify areas of inefficiency and implement cost-saving measures. This could include optimizing labor utilization, negotiating better supplier contracts or implementing energy-efficient technologies.
The ability to make data-driven decisions in cost management enables your company to improve profitability and maintain a competitive edge in the market.

6. Improved Customer Service

For a business to be successful, customer service must be top-notch. ERP systems offer various modules that enhance customer service capabilities, such as customer relationship management (CRM) and order management. These modules enable your company to manage customer interactions, track orders and provide accurate delivery estimates.
With access to real-time data on customer preferences, order history and service inquiries, your company can offer personalized customer experiences, resolve issues promptly and ensure on-time delivery. This focus on customer service leads to increased customer loyalty, repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

7. Improved Compliance

Compliance with industry regulations and standards is crucial for forming and fabrication companies to operate legally and maintain a strong reputation. ERP systems help your company to manage compliance requirements by providing modules specifically designed to track and enforce regulatory standards.
By automating compliance processes, your company ensures adherence to safety, environmental and quality standards. This reduces the risk of non-compliance penalties, legal issues and reputational damage. ERP systems also enable your company to generate comprehensive audit trails and reports, simplifying compliance audits and demonstrating their commitment to regulatory requirements.

ERP for Metal Manufacturing: Frequently Asked Questions

Implementing an ERP system can bring many benefits to your metal manufacturing business. Here are a few key advantages:

a. Improved Efficiency: By automating manual tasks and streamlining workflows, ERP saves time and eliminates the risk of errors, resulting in increased operational efficiency.

b. Enhanced Inventory Management: ERP provides real-time visibility into your inventory levels, allowing you to optimize stock levels, minimize stock-outs, and reduce carrying costs.

c. Better Production Planning: With ERP, you can schedule and track production tasks, allocate resources, and ensure timely order delivery, improving customer satisfaction.

d. Accurate Financial Management: By integrating financial processes such as billing, invoicing, and payroll, ERP simplifies financial management and ensures accuracy in financial reporting.

e. Improved Decision-Making: ERP provides insightful reports and analytics, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and respond quickly to market changes.

Start by assessing your business needs and identifying the pain points that an ERP system can address. Look for an ERP solution specifically designed for metal manufacturing, with features such as inventory management, production planning, and quality control. Consider factors like scalability, ease of use, customer support, and cost when evaluating different ERP providers. An experienced ERP consultant can help guide the selection process, ensuring that the ERP system you select will meet your unique business needs.

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