ERP Consulting for Industrial Equipment Manufacturing

Enterprise Software Consulting for Industrial Equipment

Ultra combines critical insight into the capabilities of today’s leading ERP systems with a deep understanding of the IEM industry’s challenges. We put this expertise to work for our clients—driving a more predictable, on-time and on-budget digital transformation. 

Our Clients

Forming and Fabrication

Briggs Equipment

“We knew we needed a resource to navigate the waters for us. Selecting a new ERP system would impact our entire operations for the next few decades. We wanted to leverage a partner with specific ERP evaluation experience to effectively lead the project.” 
Brian Evans, Director of IT


Managing disruption requires new approaches & new tools.

Intelligent IEM companies are attacking the sector’s challenges with ERP technologies that boost productivity, turn data into insight, and improve supply chain management.


High product complexity requires advanced technologies that integrate production systems and enable dynamic MTO and CTO.


Sophisticated demand forecasting, capacity planning and project scheduling allow organizations to manage around constraints.


Powerful ERP tools efficiently and effectively manage large, complex global supply chains and complicated logistics.


The key to agility may be optimized production processes and new, more efficient approaches to workforce management.

ERP Consulting Industrial Equipment

We Understand ERP for Industrial Equipment Manufacturing

The industrial equipment industry is a vast and diverse sector that encompasses a wide range of machinery and equipment used in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, construction, mining and energy. The industry is a critical driver of global economic growth, and it plays a vital role in supporting infrastructure development and industrial productivity.

Today, the industrial equipment industry faces a number of pain points such as:

  • Unplanned downtime
  • High maintenance costs
  • Skill shortage
  • Supply chain disruptions
  • Competitive pressures

These challenges have disrupted production and distribution, leading to higher costs and longer lead times for industrial equipment.

An ERP solution designed and built for IEM—with processes configured for its specific requirements—offers answers to the industry’s unique integration, quoting, planning and logistics challenges.

Industry Insight

smart factory erp

Solving Manufacturing Challenges with Smart Factory-Ready ERP Systems

Download this eBook to discover how ERP systems optimized with smart factory integrated technology can help your company overcome common manufacturing challenges.


Focus on adaptation, agility, and resilience.

For industrial equipment manufacturers, the critical objectives are to rebuild revenue streams, restore supplier networks and rethink strategies to meet the needs of a changed marketplace. And with this recalibration comes a renewed commitment to increasing agility and improving supply chain resilience.

Modern ERP solutions offer the advanced tools required to achieve these objectives. Today’s technologies capture data, enable analysis and provide critical visibility into process, production and operational performance, making it possible to identify breaking points and opportunities for improvement.

With more than 20 years in ERP consulting for industrial equipment companies, Ultra Consultants is well versed in providing insight into the best industrial equipment ERP solutions for your company.

industrial equipment-consulting-services

Key Focus Areas for IEM Consulting

1. Operational Efficiency

An ERP system enables your company to automate and streamline business processes, eliminating manual and time-consuming tasks. For example, an ERP system can automate the procurement process, from generating purchase orders to receiving goods, thereby reducing the administrative burden on employees and enabling them to focus on more strategic tasks. Additionally, ERP systems provide real-time visibility into operations, allowing your company to identify bottlenecks, optimize workflows and improve overall efficiency.

Moreover, ERP systems enable seamless integration between different departments and functions within your organization. For instance, the finance department can easily access and analyze data from the production department, enabling better financial planning and forecasting. This integration eliminates information silos and promotes collaboration across your organization, leading to faster decision-making and improved operational efficiency.

2. Improved Supply Chain Management

In the industrial equipment industry, efficient supply chain management is crucial for your company to ensure that products are delivered on time and meet customer demands. An ERP system enables your company to track inventory levels, manage procurement and automate order fulfillment. These efficiencies will enable your company to avoid stockouts and overstocking by having real-time visibility into inventory details, ensuring optimal inventory levels. This helps you reduce inventory carrying costs.

Furthermore, ERP systems provide your company with the ability to integrate your supply chain partners—such as suppliers and distributors—into the system. This integration allows for seamless communication, automated data sharing and improved collaboration. For example, when a customer places an order, the ERP system can automatically send a purchase order to the supplier, eliminating the need for manual intervention. This streamlined supply chain management process reduces lead times, improves customer satisfaction and enhances overall operational efficiency.

3. Improved Product Development and Innovation

Innovation is a key driver of success in the industrial equipment industry. If your company can develop innovative products and bring them to market quickly, you have a competitive advantage over your competitors. ERP systems significantly improve product development and innovation processes. By integrating various functions, such as research and development along with engineering and manufacturing, an ERP system enables seamless collaboration and information sharing throughout the product development lifecycle.

For instance, an ERP system can centralize product data, including specifications, designs and prototypes, making it easily accessible to all stakeholders. This centralized repository of product information eliminates data duplication, reduces errors and ensures that everyone is working with the latest version of the product data. Additionally, ERP systems can automate workflows, such as change management and approvals, streamlining the product development process and reducing time-to-market.

4. Improved Market Research and Analysis

The industrial equipment industry is highly competitive, and one way of remaining competitive is by staying ahead of market trends and customer preferences.

ERP systems can aid in market research and analysis by providing your company with access to real-time data and powerful analytics capabilities. With an ERP system, your company can gather and analyze data from various sources, such as sales transactions, customer feedback and market research reports, to gain valuable insights into market trends, customer behavior and competitive intelligence.

ERP systems can generate comprehensive reports and dashboards that present key performance indicators and actionable insights. For example, your company can track sales performance by region, product line or customer segment, enabling you to identify lucrative market opportunities or areas that require improvement. By leveraging the data-driven insights provided by ERP systems, your company can make informed business decisions, develop targeted marketing strategies and stay ahead of the competition.

5. Improved Talent Management and Workforce Development

Attracting and retaining top talent is crucial for the success of any company in the industrial equipment industry. ERP systems can help your company to effectively manage the workforce and foster employee development. With an ERP system, your company can automate HR processes, such as recruitment, onboarding, performance management and training. This automation eliminates manual paperwork, reduces administrative overhead and frees up HR professionals to focus on strategic initiatives.

Moreover, ERP systems provide your company with a central employee database, containing comprehensive information about employee skills, qualifications and performance. This centralized repository enables your company to identify skill gaps, develop targeted training programs and align employee development with business objectives. Additionally, ERP systems can facilitate performance tracking and goal management, enabling your company to recognize and reward high-performing employees, enhancing employee engagement and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

6. Improved Financial Management and Risk Mitigation

ERP systems offer robust financial management capabilities that enable your company to streamline financial processes, improve cash flow management and mitigate financial risks. With an ERP system, your company can automate financial transactions, such as invoicing, accounts payable and accounts receivable, reducing manual errors and accelerating the financial close process.

Furthermore, ERP systems provide real-time visibility into financial data, allowing your company to monitor key financial metrics, such as revenue, expenses and profitability, in real-time. This visibility enables your company to make data-driven financial decisions, identify cost-saving opportunities and optimize financial performance. Additionally, ERP systems can help your company mitigate financial risks by providing advanced risk management tools, such as fraud detection and prevention, compliance monitoring and internal controls.

7. Improved Regulatory Compliance

To operate legally and avoid costly penalties, compliance with industry regulations and standards is a must for any industrial equipment company. ERP systems significantly simplify regulatory compliance by providing you with tools and functionalities to monitor and ensure compliance with various mandates, such as environmental regulations, health and safety standards and industry-specific certifications.

For example, ERP systems can automate compliance processes, such as data collection, reporting and auditing, reducing the administrative burden on compliance teams. Additionally, ERP systems can include the ability to automatically generate comprehensive compliance reports and documentation, which can be easily shared with regulatory authorities during inspections or audits. By leveraging the compliance capabilities of ERP systems, your company can ensure adherence to regulations, minimize compliance risks and maintain a positive reputation in the market.

iem erp for industrial equipment manufacturing

ERP for Industrial Equipment Manufacturing: Frequently Asked Questions

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning, which is a software solution that integrates various business functions into a unified system. For industrial manufacturers, ERP software provides real-time visibility into all aspects of the production process, from supply chain management to inventory control, production planning, and beyond. By streamlining these operations, ERP empowers manufacturers to make faster, data-driven decisions, reduce waste, minimize downtime, and optimize resource allocation.

A robust ERP system allows for customization to align with your unique business requirements. Whether you need to track materials at a granular level, manage complex production schedules, or integrate with specialized machinery, ERP can be tailored to suit your specific industry and processes. With the right ERP solution, you can ensure that your manufacturing operations are seamlessly integrated and optimized for maximum efficiency.

The implementation timeline can vary depending on the size and complexity of your manufacturing operations. While a small-scale factory might be up and running with an ERP system in a matter of weeks, larger enterprises may require several months for a smooth transition. The key to successful implementation is proper planning, including comprehensive process mapping, data migration, and employee training. Working closely with an experienced ERP provider can help ensure a timely and successful implementation.

The security of your data is of utmost importance, and reputable ERP providers take this matter seriously. Modern ERP systems employ robust security measures to protect your sensitive information, including encryption, user authentication protocols, and regular system updates. It is crucial to choose a trusted ERP vendor that adheres to industry best practices and complies with data protection regulations to ensure the safety and integrity of your business data.

One of the key benefits of ERP is its ability to break down silos and facilitate collaboration across different departments. With a centralized database and real-time visibility into operations, ERP fosters seamless communication between teams, enabling better coordination and decision-making. From procurement and production to sales and customer service, ERP aligns departments, ensuring that your manufacturing business operates as a well-oiled machine.

The journey to a successful software implementation can be difficult. We lead your organization through the complex process, help you realize the significant benefits of modern enterprise technologies and give you the tools to achieve your business goals.

  • Ultra Consultants is 100% independent and is not affiliated with any ERP vendor. Expect the recommendations and advice we offer to be objective and without bias towards a particular vendor.
  • Ultra Consultants is industry focused, and we put our decades of manufacturing and distribution focus to work for you. We have a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities faced by businesses in the IEM industry, therefore, we are able to tailor the ERP implementation to meet your specific needs.
  • Ultra Consultants is a complete solution provider. We go beyond technology selection and guide your company toward business process improvement for long-term growth, ensuring your company maximizes the benefits of ERP system investment.
  • Ultra consultants has an experienced, in-house team to provide a deeper level of expertise and support, ensuring that your ERP system implementation is tailored to the specific needs of your company.
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