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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Mid-Market ERP

Today’s mid-market companies are facing an ever-changing technology landscape that makes it challenging to determine the right ERP fit for their business.

The choices are numerous from cloud to industry specialized to out of the box or modular. Not to mention choosing the right consulting and implementation partners. The right decisions will set up a business to experience a competitive advantage and growth. A wrong decision can set the business back by years.

ERP for nurturing

Manufacturing CRM + ERP: Nurturing a Life-Long Customer Journey

In this time of digital transformation, diving into data at a scientific level is now a must for every type of organization, and without a connected CRM and ERP system you won’t have the data integrity and level of detail necessary to predict and control outcomes with your customer. A CRM + ERP built for manufacturing is the critical foundation for nurturing a life-long customer journey.

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Winning Manufacturing Strategies for 2020

This on-demand webinar explores 5 key strategies to overcome common manufacturing challenges and gain an edge in your market. You’ll hear from Steve Bieszczat, Chief Marketing Officer at DELMIAWORKS, as well as Andrew Bolivar, Director at the Center of Excellence at Ultra Consultants.

Increase ROI in Your ERP Project

New Year, New Goals: Increase ROI in Your ERP Project

Winning manufacturing and distribution companies look at an ERP project as more than just a technology initiative.
An ERP project is most successful when it is viewed as a business transformation where the focus is on process improvement.

This on-demand webinar helps you develop confidence that your project and chosen ERP system will deliver your Return on Investment (ROI) expectations and position your business for long-term success.

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Smarter Systems for Wholesale Distribution

Technology’s impact on the supply chain is seen in all aspects of your business – and understanding how to adapt to ever-changing technology is a challenge that can make or break a distribution business as we enter the 2020’s.

Your customers, partners, suppliers, and competitors are investing in technology to run their businesses smarter, faster, and better – to boost efficiency, expand their reach, and improve their customer experience.

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Streamline Compliance with Modern ERP

For today’s process manufacturer, compliance is still top of mind with ever-increasing rules and regulations. With new regulations and updates to federal and global standards, today’s modern ERP plays a critical role in supporting compliance and automating required documentation and processes.

With special guest NexTec Group, this educational webinar demonstrates how ERP can support compliance and make processes more streamlined and easier to manage.

4 Potential Solutions for the Manufacturing Labor Shortage

Skilled manufacturing jobs continue to go unfilled, despite the ongoing economic recovery from the pandemic downturn, strong job growth overall, rising wages across nearly every vertical and high unemployment in the service sector (and others). The result is production bottlenecks, reduced capacity, unfilled orders, low inventories and lost sales. What…

Global Consumer Goods Organization Improves Business Processes and Prepares for Growth

Global organizations, particularly those dealing in Consumer Goods, often struggle with piecemeal systems, which create inconsistent approaches to business processes and financials.

5 Guidelines for Evaluating ERP Systems for CPG Manufacturers

Today’s ERP systems for Consumer Products Manufacturers (CPG) must drive true transformation. In order to compete, consumer goods companies must keep pace with customer demand while managing margins and complying with ever-changing safety and environmental regulations

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