Independent Can Company
A world leader in the manufacture of specialty metal packaging and metal lithography.
ICC used a legacy ERP system with shortcomings in serving the needs of the manufacturing side of the business. Over time, the company added bolt-on products, in-house workarounds and several Excel-based tools, which complicated the solution.
The Challenge
- The legacy system would not scale for the company’s planned growth
- The system relied on spreadsheets and manual processes
- Executives needed a single source of the truth for the entire supply chain
ICC knew it needed a better solution and a better process to effectively drive business decision making in support of company growth. Learn how Ultra Consultants helped ICC replace their legacy ERP to support future growth and complete their implementation in just 12 weeks. Download the Independent Can case study.
The implementation manager was onsite, on the ground, steering the project. His experience was a major factor in the success of the project.
—Toby Sheehan, Business Analyst Director,ICC
About The Company
The Independent Can Company (ICC) has grown to become a world leader in the manufacture of specialty metal packaging and metal lithography.