ERP Maturity and Health: Is Your Business at Risk With Your Legacy System?

On a regular basis, everything needs a check-up: Your heart, your eyes, your car, your furnace, the fridge. Like the things that run you and support your life, the systems that run your business may be “getting up there” in age. Your ERP is at the core of your business. Is it time for a new ERP?
What You’ll Learn:
Taking measures of the maturity and health of your current ERP system will provide your company with an evaluation of the value of and risks within your system. Get an assessment of your ERP’s overall performance.
Key Takeaways:
This white paper gives you a strategy for looking at the performance of your ERP system and advises on the critical questions to ask:
- What is the value your current ERP is providing and can it match the value of a new ERP system?
- Is your business less competitive or being held back by your legacy ERP system?
- Where are the risks to your enterprise systems and business with your current ERP in place?
- What factors should be first considered in moving forward with new or upgraded ERP?
- How is your approximate cost calculated?
Get Independent Insight:
Ultra has helped several hundred manufacturing and distribution companies put in place a sound and comprehensive method of examining and preparing their enterprise systems and people for a major project.
Download this paper and start taking your first steps to a healthier ERP system for the life of your business.
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