ERP Planning Process: Digital Transformations Start Here

Are you starting an ERP planning process? Deciding whether to go through with an ERP project is one of the most challenging decisions a company makes primarily because there are so many aspects of the decision that are changing constantly. In this eBook, Ultra will provide you with the most important factors to think about when planning for your ERP project.
What You’ll Learn:
See the importance of working with the most recent ERP knowledge to ensure you find the right product for your company. You’ll also understand the steps to take to ensure your enterprise technology project will address key functional areas and drive true business transformation.
Key Takeaways:
- Learn how a successful ERP project drives value
- Which functionality to view in an ERP vendor demo
- What you should know about Cloud ERP systems
- Estimating costs for your new ERP
- Understand the proven methodologies available for your ERP planning process via industry-leading, independent ERP research and consulting
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