ERP News
Our industry experts, research and business perspectives are featured in news publications across North America.
Manufacturing Tomorrow
Aug 27, 2024
Chicago-based enterprise software consultancy, Ultra Consultants, has announced the launch of their Organizational Change Management 2.0 consulting service. The service provides the people, tools and skills for companies undergoing transformation in a variety of industries.
Markets Insider
Oct 28, 2023
Chicago-based enterprise software consultancy, Ultra Consultants, has announced that it has been designated as Great Place To Work-Certified™. Established through verified employee feedback, this certification helps organizations gain real insights on company culture and employee sentiment.
Financial Content
May 4, 2023
Ultra Consultants, an ERP selection and implementation consultancy, announced it has been awarded the title “Best Talent Acquisition Team” at the LinkedIn Talent Awards, recognizing teams of talent professionals who used LinkedIn Talent Solutions to collaborate to engage with and nurture talent.
Connected World
Nov 1, 2021
Industrial manufacturers have embraced the concept of future-proofing their organizations via the Industrial IIoT (Internet of Things). What started as a growing realization in 2019 as pressure to meet the needs of rapid change and escalating volatility has fully solidified as a business imperative in the wake of the pandemic. By Ultra Senior Consultant Paul Denmark
CIO Insight
Oct 18, 2021
Recent disruptions to the global supply chain have affected businesses at all levels, including IT. From supporting a remote workforce to transitioning entire workflows into digital tools, the CIO plays a key leadership role in supply chain management. We spoke with supply chain expert Joe Velez, Service Delivery Manager for Ultra Consultants, about the CIO’s evolving role.
Modern Materials Handling
Sept 23, 2021
Ultra Consultants, an independent research and enterprise solutions consulting firm serving the manufacturing and distribution industries, today announced availability of its new distribution ERP report, which evaluates the top ERP packages for distributors.
AEM News
Sept 20, 2021
As equipment manufacturers prepare for the workforce of the future, they need to be armed with smart change management and talent management strategies. Presenters at the second annual AEM Workforce Solutions Virtual Summit offered several ideas. By Ultra Chief Marketing Officer Scott Hanson
Plant Engineering
Sept 16, 2021
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, many companies slowed or shut down operations with the expectation that normalcy would resume within a matter of weeks. However, as the months wore on, it became painfully obvious that it would be a long time before things returned to normal. As capacity constraints and social distancing requirements entered the manufacturing arena, talk of manufacturers transitioning to lights-out automation renewed with vigor. By Ultra Senior Consultant Paul Denmark
Industry Today
Sept 8, 2021
In the new now, distributors are challenged like never before. Today, it’s important to do everything that can be done to shave costs, increase revenue and boost profitability. The question – and challenge – is identifying the processes and functions where new efficiencies, extra pennies and an additional tenth of a percentage point in margin can be found. The right metrics will make the answer clear. By Ultra Consultants
Sept 7, 2021
The concept of the supply chain control tower is not new. But with the recent upheaval of supply chains, there’s been a resurgence of the concept to increase visibility into business operations and make supply chains more sustainable and reliable. By Ultra Service Delivery Manager Brantly Chavis
Sept 1, 2021
Technologies that provide the backbone for operational excellence, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, also improve competitive advantages. By Ultra Senior Consultant Paul Denmark
Sage Advice
August 4, 2021
Today’s “post-modern” ERP solutions (as Gartner calls them) are broader and more flexible – and deliver ROI in dozens of direct and indirect ways. Which begs the question, if modern ERP solutions are so amazing, do we even need to build a business case for purchasing a new one? The answer quite simply is: Yes. By Ultra Marketing Content Writer Tim Green
Thomas Insights
August 3, 2021
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, manufacturers have experienced unprecedented supply and demand chain upheaval. The question arises as to how “textbook” supply chain best practices fare in meeting the rigors of this new normal and providing the resilience needed. By Ultra Service Delivery Manager Joe Velez
American Machinist
July 25, 2021
Half of ERP implementations fail to achieve their goals, and the replacement cost can be prohibitive. The complexities of implementation mean that choosing an ERP is a multi-generational decision – so know what to do and what not to do. By Ultra Strategic Alliance Director Michael Chesin
Future of Sourcing
July 22, 2021
Procure-to-pay (P2P), which involves the four key stages of selecting goods and services, enforcing compliance and order, receiving and reconciliation, and invoicing and payment, is a core business process that offers exceptional opportunities for optimization and integration. By Ultra Senior Consultant Art Travis and Ultra Senior Consultant Tony Young
July 16, 2021
Agile factories, IoT, predictive maintenance, workforce transformation and safety, resilient supply chains and doubling down on data — these were all pandemic-driven trends that topped the manufacturing agenda in 2020. But what lies ahead in 2021 and beyond? Here are 10 trends driving how manufacturers will move through three phases of responding, recovering and revamping operations in the post-pandemic era. By Ultra Senior Consultant Paul Denmark and Argano Chief Strategy Officer Tim Harris
July 12, 2021
INTERVIEW: Tony Young, a senior ERP consultant from Ultra Consultants, shares his insight on digitizing logistics, where many shippers stumble, and how to prioritize your digital transformation.
Food Logistics
July 8, 2021
To attract a new generation to a career in food and beverage manufacturing, companies will need to meet the demands of younger workers, lest recruitment (and retention) will remain an ongoing challenge. By Ultra Senior Project Manager Rafael Calderon
American Machinist
May 26, 2021
Machine shops and other manufacturers must adopt technology‐enabled strategies to support social distancing and related safer‐at‐work practices… and automation can provide a solution to labor capacity constraints. By Ultra Senior Consultant Paul Denmark
The Fabricator
May 5, 2021
As the current owners of small and midmarket fabrication shops near retirement age in the next five years, many expect a surge in business succession events. Millennial sons and daughters might have grown up at the shop. They swept the floor and packed parts for shipments. They learned about the technology, the operation, and the customer base. Now it’s their turn. They have the reins. By Ultra Senior Consultant Dave Lechleitner
AEM News
April 26, 2021
The post-pandemic pivot is upon us, and digital transformation in manufacturing is continuing at warp speed. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored remote system weaknesses and over-reliance on line-of-sight and onsite verbal communications in the manufacturing arena. By Ultra Senior Consultant Dave Lechleitner
The Fabricator
March 22, 2021
Recent events have proven the old adage that the only constant in life is change. And, for manufacturers, this couldn’t be more true. As a result of international supply chains collapsing in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, manufacturers have had to shift their strategies, and many are looking to reshoring for improved resilience. By Ultra Senior Consultant Dave Lechleitner
Sage Advice
March 17, 2021
A new ERP system offers a rare opportunity to transform your company. But, while a modern ERP solution can supercharge your organization, its implementation is one of the most complex and high-risk projects you will ever undertake. By Ultra Senior Consultant Dave Lechleitner
Food Logistics
March 8, 2021
Having the right technological capabilities will aid organizations in minimizing risk, maximizing efficiency and ensuring the right processes and procedures are in place. By Ultra Senior Consultant Aaron Olin
Industry Today
February 22, 2021
If the past year has taught food & beverage executives anything, it’s the value of being able to quickly adapt to changing business conditions. As the industry heads deeper into 2021, what do food & beverage manufacturers, processors and distributors need to know to survive – and thrive – in today’s challenging business environment? By Ultra Senior Consultant David Saunders
Sage Advice
Dec 6, 2020
Aaron Olin, a senior consultant with Ultra Consultants, and an expert in building ERP solutions for food & beverage manufacturers and distributors, recently sat down for a quick Q&A.
Precision Manufacturing
Nov/Dec 2019
There’s no doubt that Lean, Kaizen, and Six Sigma principles have made a huge impact on manufacturing to improve efficiency. So how can manufacturers go beyond those traditional methods and use analytics to create more efficiencies in their businesses? David Lechleitner, a Senior Consultant at Ultra Consultants, provides insight into this month's cover story (see page 9-13).
Oct 28, 2019
Andrew Bolivar, the Director of Ultra Consultants Center of Excellence, will review a proven approach that defines the step-by-step activities necessary to maximize business potential and fully realize the benefits of technology investments during a Smart Manufacturing breakout session – taking place bright and early at 8 AM on day one of FABTECH 2019.
Processing Magazine
Oct 14, 2019
ERP technology solutions are often overlooked when considering a comprehensive food safety and compliance strategy.
Sep 16, 2019
IndustryNet shares the key findings from Ultra’s commissioned study on ERP implementation project outcomes.
Quality Magazine
Sep 1, 2019
This magazine article by Ultra's Dylan Howard looks at four strategic activities that help manufacturers facilitate risk management and drive positive change throughout the client’s enterprise.
Jun 20, 2019
Ultra’s commissioned study about ERP implementations busts some long-held myths about ERP. The Mint Jutras study is summarized in this Industry Week article.
ProFood World
Apr 22, 2019
A food and beverage industry publication highlights Ultra’s involvement in ERP selection for a craft brewer. Read the steps the company took to evaluate and select the best enterprise technologies for their organization.
Press Releases
Press Release
Dec 21, 2021
Ultra Consultants today announced the firm has been named a recipient of the 2021 Top Software & Technology Providers award by Food Logistics magazine. This annual list recognizes software and technology providers that ensure a safe, efficient and reliable global food and beverage supply chain. Their solutions and services provide companies the opportunity to improve productivity and gain efficiencies within their enterprise, all while ensuring the safety of consumers globally. LEARN MORE

Press Release
Nov 30, 2021
How do food manufacturers equip themselves to manage pandemic and supply chain disruption by improving business processes and modernizing technology systems? This topic will be the focus of a joint presentation at the IndustryWeek’s Manufacturing & Technology Virtual Conference 2021, featuring John Ruelle, Chief Financial Officer of Spice World, and Jonathan Tompkins, Service Delivery Manager for Ultra Consultants. LEARN MORE

Press Release
Sept 28, 2021
Ultra Consultants is certified as a Great Place to Work™ for 2021 – and for the sixth consecutive year. The Great Place to Work award is based entirely on what current employees say about their experience working at the company. This year, 90% of Ultra employees said it is a great place to work – 31 percentage points higher than the average U.S. company. LEARN MORE

Press Release
Sept 20, 2021
Ultra Consultants, an independent research and enterprise solutions consulting firm serving the manufacturing and distribution industries, today announced availability of its new distribution ERP report, which evaluates the top ERP packages for distributors.
The report contains accurate, up-to-date information on advanced ERP solutions including Acumatica, Aptean, Epicor Prophet 21, Infor Cloudsuite Distribution, Infor Cloudsuite Distribution Enterprise, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Argano/Arbela), Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Stoneridge), Oracle Cloud (Terillium), Oracle NetSuite, Sage X3, SAP Business One (Vision33) and SAP S/4HANA. LEARN MORE
Press Release
Sept 10, 2021
Ultra Consultants today announced it will be presenting at FABTECH 2021, Sept. 13-16 at McCormick Place in Chicago.
Members of the manufacturing industry will have an opportunity to learn about best practices and new technologies to support digital transformation to Industry 4.0, by attending the following sessions: Estimating Software to Manage the Job Shop: The Art & Science of Accurate Job Costing for High-Mix, Low-Volume Manufacturers, Digital Transformation Models for Industry 4.0 Workshop, Smart Manufacturing Bootcamp. LEARN MORE

Press Release
June 16, 2021
Ultra Consultants today congratulated Zymo Research on winning a 2021 Top Supply Chain Projects Award from Supply & Demand Chain Executive Magazine. Zymo Research was recognized for its demonstrated success improving supply chain operations via an ERP modernization project for which Ultra Consultants provided business process improvement, software selection and implementation management services. The new ERP platform went live during the COVID-19 global pandemic, enabling the company to move quickly to commercialize its product lines – previously sold only to research institutions – to help healthcare professionals wage the fight against the pandemic. LEARN MORE

Press Release
May 24, 2021
Ultra Consultants, an independent research and enterprise solutions consulting firm serving the manufacturing and distribution industries, today announced the availability of its new ERP insights report, which evaluates the industry’s leading ERP packages for Industrial Equipment manufacturers.
The new 2021 ERP Vendor Update: Industrial Equipment Manufacturing report has accurate, up-to-date information on advanced ERP solutions from DELMIAworks (IQMS), Epicor, IFS, Infor LN, MS Dynamics, Oracle Cloud, PLEX, QAD, Rootstock and SAP S/4 Hana. LEARN MORE
Press Release
Ultra Consultants today announced the availability of its new Food & Beverage ERP rankings report, which evaluates the top 10 ERP packages for Food & Beverage manufacturers, processors and distributors across 28 ERP function categories and 98 native/core capabilities.
The report has accurate, up-to-date information on advanced ERP solutions from Aptean, Deacom, IFS, Infor, Microsoft (Alithya), Plex, QAD, Sage, SAP, and SYSPRO. LEARN MORE
Press Release
Aug 12, 2020
Ultra Consultants is certified as a Great Place to Work™ for 2020 – and for the fifth consecutive year. The Great Place to Work survey results show that Ultra Consultants employees are highly satisfied with the firm, its unique all-remote work environment, company philanthropy programs such as “Ultra Gives Back,” the “Ultra Steps” fitness program, and other initiatives designed to support employees, foster collaboration, boost morale and bolster motivation. LEARN MORE

Press Release
Sept 19, 2019
Ultra Consultants announces the availability of a comprehensive resource for manufacturing and distribution companies. The eBook leverages more than 25 years of experience in leading enterprise technology projects to help ensure the selection is right on the first try.

Press Release
July 24, 2019
For four years running, Ultra Consultants is certified as a great workplace by the independent analysts at Great Place to Work. Ultra’s employees indicate high satisfaction with the work culture and responsibilities. Survey findings rank Ultra as a high-performance workplace culture.

Press Release
June 5, 2019
While every manufacturing organization has unique processes, they all start with a common goal – to deliver high-quality products as efficiently as possible. Ultra Consultants announces availability of an eBook to help teams put the focus on business process improvements to propel the enterprise to new heights of efficiency and profitability.

Press Release
April 18, 2019
A one-hour webinar entitled “ERP Grows Up: How the Right ERP Software Can Attract the Next Generation Workforce” takes place Thursday, May 2, 2019 at 1 p.m. CT. With special guests SYSPRO USA, the session addresses key challenges today’s manufacturer and distributor face regarding recruiting the next generation of manufacturing team members.

Press Release
Mar 21, 2019
An educational webinar takes a deep dive into a ground breaking survey about ERP implementations. See the data the “flips the script” on implementation statistics from past years. Hosted by Ultra CEO and Founder Jeff Carr, along with Andrew Bolivar, Ultra’s Director of the Center of Excellence, the session is a must-attend event for manufacturing and distribution teams.

Press Release
Feb 12, 2019
A new Mint Jutras/Ultra Consultants survey dispels often-quoted implementation failure rates; reflects the value modern ERP delivers and reveals the importance of change management.