avoiding erp implementation failure

15 Causes of ERP Implementation Failure

A modern ERP solution can enable extraordinary new efficiencies, provide valuable new capabilities, deliver critical insight and, ultimately, supercharge your organization. But it is one of the most complex, time-consuming and high-risk projects your organization will ever undertake. And it’s easy to make mistakes – like these 15 – that will result in failure.

Contract signing.

Less Angst, More Savings: How to Negotiate the Best Software Deal (Video)

Acquiring complicated ERP software and enterprise solutions is, um, complicated. And negotiating the best-possible deal is difficult – and not something organizations do often. Most companies end up paying more than they should – for years. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We asked Ultra Senior Consultant Ernie Eichenbaum, an expert in effective negotiation, for his advice. Learn how he approaches the software contract process in this excerpt from a recent webinar.

Blue and white target

Today’s Top ERP Software Solutions

The right ERP solution can deliver the capabilities you need to improve processes, find new efficiencies, enhance decision-making, increase velocity, reduce waste and, perhaps most important, ensure that your company can prosper despite any challenges that lie ahead. But what is the best ERP solution for your organization? Learn which ERPs are best suited to the food & beverage, industrial equipment manufacturing, fabricated metal products manufacturing and distribution industries.

Old car in cartoon style

Benefit or Blunder? How to Safely and Successfully Fast-Track ERP Software Selection (Video)

Is it possible to fast-track your ERP software selection? Yes. Is it a good idea? Maybe. Only if you can avoid some common pitfalls, overcome obstacles and meet some critical prerequisites. And you will need to be super-prepared. Get valuable and practical insight into how to safely and successfully accelerate your software selection from project management experts from Ultra and QAD.


How Your Legacy ERP is Holding Back Your Business and Hurting your Revenue (Video)

Your old technology can be the reason you lose customers or fail to maximize their lifetime value. And it may hurt your ability to hire and retain top talent. What is the definition of a “legacy” ERP system? What are the problems that come with using yesterday’s software to manage today’s enterprises? What are the shortcomings of old software? Get the answers, and learn more by viewing the full webinar on-demand.

4 Potential Solutions for the Manufacturing Labor Shortage

Skilled manufacturing jobs continue to go unfilled, despite the ongoing economic recovery from the pandemic downturn, strong job growth overall, rising wages across nearly every vertical and high unemployment in the service sector (and others). The result is production bottlenecks, reduced capacity, unfilled orders, low inventories and lost sales. What…

Global Consumer Goods Organization Improves Business Processes and Prepares for Growth

Global organizations, particularly those dealing in Consumer Goods, often struggle with piecemeal systems, which create inconsistent approaches to business processes and financials.

5 Guidelines for Evaluating ERP Systems for CPG Manufacturers

Today’s ERP systems for Consumer Products Manufacturers (CPG) must drive true transformation. In order to compete, consumer goods companies must keep pace with customer demand while managing margins and complying with ever-changing safety and environmental regulations

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