What is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)?

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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a phrase you’ve probably heard a lot in the corporate sector. So, precisely, what is ERP? And, how does an ERP system work?

Put simply, an ERP is a centralized data system that allows organizations to manage and streamline their business processes, from finance and accounting to inventory and supply chain management. An effective ERP system can help businesses reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve customer satisfaction. Yet, deploying an ERP system is a difficult process  that demands careful planning and execution. That’s where Ultra Consulting comes in. We will guide your company through ERP software selection, ERP implementation, business process improvement, and more.  

erp success guide software consultant

The Comprehensive ERP Success Guide

From choosing the right solution to the best practices for implementation, this ERP Success Guide will give you the knowledge you need to ensure your new solution achieves your business goals.


There are three types of enterprise management systems available, each with its own set of features and capabilities. They can range from basic, entry-level packages to complex, fully integrated solutions that include modules for financial management, human resources and customer relationship management. Some are designed specifically for certain industries, such as those with integrated core manufacturing components or Material Requirements Planning (MRP II).

By integrating various departments with the assistance of Ultra Consultants, an ERP system centralizes data, reduces manual work and redundancies, fosters visibility and enhances communication within the organization. In addition, an ERP system can streamline processes, improve productivity and increase efficiency by optimizing workflows and automating tasks. 

Overall, an ERP software system provides a comprehensive view of enterprise-wide operations, aiding companies to make informed decisions that drive growth, profitability and customer satisfaction.

Types of ERP Systems

Make sure you select an ERP consultant or firm that has experience and expertise in your particular industry. This will ensure that they are familiar with the unique challenges of the industry as well as any best practices or solutions that may be applicable to your organization’s needs.

1. On-Premises ERP

On-premises ERP is a type of enterprise resource planning software that is installed on a company’s own servers and managed in-house. This means that the software is physically located and run at the business’ location, giving the company complete control over its deployment, customization and security. On-premises ERP systems often need a substantial investment in hardware and IT staff to set up and maintain, but they can provide better flexibility for some organizations than cloud-based options. 
With an on-premises ERP system or MRP II, companies can manage their data and workflows more effectively and tailor their systems to fit their specific business requirements. Additionally, on-premises ERP software provides a higher level of security and data control since all data is managed directly by the company rather than by ERP vendors or third-party vendors. However, due to the massive up-front costs, this option is often best for large corporations.

2. Cloud ERP

Cloud ERP is a web-based enterprise resource planning software hosted by a software provider or third party and accessible through a web browser. This makes it extremely adaptable and available from any place with an internet connection, making it a great choice for enterprises with a distributed workforce.
Cloud ERP or SaaS ERP (Software as a Service) also boasts lower upfront costs as the software is typically sold by ERP vendors on a subscription basis, reducing the need for expensive hardware and IT support. Moreover, cloud ERP or SaaS ERP software vendors often provide frequent upgrades and maintenance included in the subscription, providing firms with the assurance that they are utilizing the most up-to-date software available.The main downside to cloud ERP is that it relies on internet connectivity, so if there are ever connection issues, users risk being unable to access their data.

3. Hybrid ERP

Hybrid enterprise resource planning software combines the key benefits of both on-premises and cloud-based ERP software choices. An ERP vendor provides this type of solution as a flexible and scalable approach to enterprise management, allowing businesses to access critical data and applications from anywhere while maintaining control over their own servers. In recent years, the hybrid ERP model has grown in popularity as more firms seek to streamline their operations and increase their capacity to adapt to changing market environments.
Some of the key benefits of a hybrid ERP software include reduced IT costs, improved data security and enhanced agility. However, this type of solution is not without its challenges, such as complex ERP integration requirements and potential compatibility issues with legacy systems. 
On Premises ERP

Responsibilities of an ERP Consultant

The best of the best—Ultra Consultants—hires industry leaders in full-time roles, in order to effectively serve our clients. But with literally thousands of companies to choose from for your implementation help, make certain your consultant is ready and able to perform the tasks that many ERP consultants handle. Learn More

The Difference Between ERP and Stand-Alone Systems

1. Scope

ERP systems and stand-alone systems differ significantly in scope. Stand-alone systems are designed to perform a single function, such as accounting or sales and marketing. Moreover, these systems often are independent and operate without being integrated with other software. ERP systems, on the other hand, provide comprehensive solutions that integrate core business processes such as:
  • Supply chain management (SCM)
  • Customer relationship management
  • Sales and marketing
  • Purchasing
  • Production planning
  • Inventory management
ERP systems offer an enterprise-wide solution that integrates all aspects of a business into a single system enabling each business department to share information seamlessly thanks to their variety of ERP modules. ERP systems typically have a broader scope than stand-alone systems since it is an all-in-one solutions.

2. Integration

While stand-alone systems only handle specific functions, ERPs are designed to integrate all aspects of an organization’s operations, including financials, inventory and SCM, HR, sales and marketing and more thanks to their variety of ERP modules. By integrating all of these key business functions into a single system, an ERP integration can provide a more holistic view of an organization’s core business processes and make it easier to manage various processes without the need for multiple software solutions. 

3. Customization

Customization is another crucial difference between Enterprise Resource Planning and stand-alone systems.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) modules are designed to streamline core business processes and support integrated functions across several departments. As a result, they offer extensive customization options that can fit the unique needs of organizations. Companies implementing ERP can customize their business process to reflect their workflows, or customize user roles and personalize dashboards. In contrast, stand-alone software is designed to perform a single function, such as accounting or inventory management. Therefore, many they offer limited customization options since they are not designed to be tailored to fit the unique requirements of an industry sector, vertical or business location.

Ultra Consultants recommends implementing enterprise software solutions with the unique needs and progress of the organization in mind, to increase company performance and optimize workflows while reducing costs. ERP software solutions offer enhanced customization, which brings better usability, flexibility, and accuracy across business processes.

4. Cost

Enterprise resource planning systems are generally more expensive than stand-alone systems due to their all-encompassing nature, allowing for integrated functionality across multiple departments. While stand-alone systems may only serve one specific area, such as accounting or inventory management, ERPs can handle everything from financials to HR, SCM, and more thanks to their variety of ERP modules. However, the long-term savings of costs from streamlining processes and reducing duplication of efforts typically renders an ERP more cost-effective in the long run, thanks to improved business performance.
At Ultra Consultants, we advise companies, help them carefully consider their unique needs and save them money as they decide which system is right for them.
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An enterprise technology project is a complex and potentially risk-filled process. Wouldn’t it make sense to tap into wisdom from those who have successfully gone before? This ebook offers informative webcasts, podcasts, white papers, articles and videos to create a blueprint for success.

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An enterprise technology project is a complex and potentially risk-filled process. Wouldn’t it make sense to tap into wisdom from those who have successfully gone before? This ebook offers informative webcasts, podcasts, white papers, articles and videos to create a blueprint for success.


Why is ERP Important for Business?

what is erp

1. Improved Business Insight

Improved business insight is one of the most significant reasons why Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are crucial for businesses. Enterprise resource planning systems utilize a centralized database to store, access and analyze business data, allowing companies to make informed decisions based on real-time information that originates from one single source of truth. 
With ERP, organizations can streamline their processes, eliminate redundant tasks and gain a holistic view of their operations by integrating their data across various departments. This provides executives with a better understanding of how different areas of their business are performing, which enables them to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions. 
Moreover, data gleaned and managed by enterprise resource planning systems may be utilized to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), spot patterns and notify management of possible problems before they materialize. In today’s fast-paced business environment, access to accurate business data and insights is critical, making ERP a must-have tool for organizations seeking to stay competitive in their respective markets.
Furthermore, with the increasing use of mobile devices, ERPs are becoming more accessible and flexible, enabling employees to access critical business information on-the-go. This not only enhances productivity but also enables businesses to quickly respond to changing market conditions and customer needs.

2. Lower Operational Costs

Lower operational costs are a vital aspect of business success, and Enterprise Resource Planning can help businesses achieve this goal. Because ERPs integrate a wide array of core business processes such as finance, accounting, inventory management and HR, into a single software program, this integration streamlines and automates critical business operations, reducing the time and labor required to carry out tasks.

As a result, most ERPs can help businesses reduce their operational costs by minimizing manual tasks, eliminating redundancies and reducing errors. Additionally, with an ERP system’s real-time reporting and analysis features, businesses can identify and address areas of inefficiency, enabling them to optimize their operations further.
Lower operational costs translate into higher profits, improved cash flows and better margins for businesses. Therefore, investing in ERP solutions is a wise decision for businesses looking to lower their operational costs and improve their bottom line.

3. Enhanced Collaboration

what is erp
Collaboration is essential in today’s fast-paced business environment, and ERP provides the tools and technology needed to foster team collaboration across different departments and locations. ERP integrates all aspects of an organization, eliminating departmental data silos and facilitating smoother communication between teams, ultimately leading to increased productivity, better efficiency and simpler decision-making.
Teams can collaborate effectively in real-time through centralized systems and standardized processes, allowing everyone involved in a company to access, share and update critical information as needed. With a streamlined information flow, teams can work together more efficiently, sharing data and insights and identifying issues as they arise. This enhanced collaboration can enhance innovation and responsiveness and bring value to the business in the long run. Therefore, an ERP solution is an essential tool for businesses of all sizes looking to enhance collaboration to achieve greater success.

4. Improved Efficiency

ERP software streamlines business processes, thereby reducing the time and effort required to complete them. It removes the need for human data input, minimizes the possibility of mistakes and makes it simpler to monitor inventories and manage budgets. With accurate, up-to-date information readily available in a single system, employees can make informed decisions quickly and easily. Improved efficiency also leads to better collaboration across departments, as all employees have access to the same data in real time.

ERP systems work by automating routine tasks, freeing up employees to focus on more critical activities that require their time and expertise. Ultimately, improved efficiency through an ERP system leads to cost savings for the business by reducing operational costs and increasing productivity, helping a business to stay competitive in today’s fast-paced world.

5. Consistent Infrastructure

ERP solutions ensure that all departments have access to the same data, communication is streamlined, tasks are automated, deadlines are met and inventory is managed. By consolidating separate functions into one system, ERPs create a cohesive unit that benefits the overall organization.
A well-implemented ERP system guarantees that all operations remain consistent and reliable and ensures that everyone is on the same page. Since the software eliminates disparate data sources, both management and customers can trust that the information they receive is up-to-date and accurate across all departments.  When businesses have a consistent infrastructure, costly mistakes can be avoided, which in turn allows for better decision-making and improved outcomes. The consistency and interconnectedness provided by ERP systems can translate to stronger financials, better customer satisfaction and longer-term growth.

6. Higher User-Adoption Rates

Without user buy-in and adoption, many ERP systems cannot fulfill their purpose, making it futile to invest in such technologies. Higher user adoption rates can result in a smoother and highly efficient workflow. This enables businesses to streamline operations and achieve better productivity and profitability. 

 Moreover, when users are comfortable and confident in using a system, they can fully utilize all its features, including data capture and analysis tools, which can help businesses gain important insights into their operations. ERP systems can provide benefits throughout the entire ERP life cycle, from planning and implementation to ongoing maintenance and upgrades. Furthermore, the high degree of automation that ERP systems bring, and the flexibility of different ERP deployment models, can save time and effort spent on tedious manual processes, allowing employees to focus on other critical business operations.

7. Reduced Risk

Implementing an ERP can help businesses keep up with regulatory compliance and industry standards. It can also streamline operations, reducing the risk of errors, delays and other issues that can negatively impact a company’s bottom line. Additionally, ERPs provide enhanced visibility and transparency throughout all departments of a business, which allows for greater control over finances, inventory management and other critical areas. 
With these benefits, businesses are better equipped to identify and mitigate risks, reducing the likelihood of costly mistakes and reputational damage. Ultimately, investing in ERP applications solutions that manage the regulatory affairs can provide long-term benefits for businesses looking to optimize their operations and stay ahead of the competition while leveraging emerging technologies and limiting the inherent risks that come with managing a complex enterprise.

Business Functions Optimized With ERP

1. Finance, Accounting and Accounts Payable/Receivable

With ERP software, businesses can streamline their financial processes, including budgeting, forecasting, financial reporting and general accounting activities, using specialized accounting software modules. This helps organizations maintain accurate and up-to-date financial data while minimizing errors and the risks of non-compliance.
In turn, ERPs can help different business units to manage accounts payable and receivable processes more effectively with features that automate invoicing, preparation of financial reports, vendor management, order management and payment processing activities. This allows businesses to manage their cash flow more efficiently and reduce the possibility of late payments and penalties. Furthermore, a centralized database provided by small business ERP systems enables businesses to access real-time information and analytics from across different departments in one place. As a result, organizations can gain better visibility into their financial activities, facilitating more informed decisions and improving their overall financial stability, ultimately improving the company’s business performance.

2. Customer Service

Customer service is a critical business function that can make or break a company’s success. With the rise of technology and increasing customer expectations, it has become more important than ever to optimize customer service operations. One way to achieve this is by implementing an ERP system that includes good Customer Relationship Management software. 
For example, ERPs can enable customer service representatives to quickly access customer history and preferences, allowing them to offer customized recommendations and solutions. Additionally, a modern ERP streamlines service requests from start to finish, ensuring that customers are kept informed every step of the way. Overall, optimizing customer service through a wise ERP selection and implementation can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty and ultimately, better profitability  which isn’t bad for business.

3. Supply Chain Management (SCM)

what is erp
Management of supply chain is a crucial business function that involves managing the flow of goods and services all the way from raw material suppliers to end consumers. To streamline and optimize this process, companies can utilize Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. 
An ERP system works by providing visibility into all aspects of the supply chain, allowing companies to track inventory levels, manage production schedules and forecast demand more accurately. With real-time data available at the touch of a button, businesses can make informed decisions about procurement, shipping, logistics, product lifecycle management, risk management, and more. Further, an ERP system may assist in automating numerous manual operations associated with SCM, such as order processing, invoicing and payments. By managing their supply chain using ERP technology, firms may enhance productivity, cut costs and ultimately offer a better value on goods and services for their customers.

4. Order Processing

Order processing is a critical business function that directly impacts customer satisfaction and, ultimately, a company’s bottom line. With increasing competition in every industry, it is imperative to optimize order processing to improve business process efficiency and reduce errors.
ERPs can streamline order processing by integrating data from all departments involved in the process, including sales, inventory and shipping, thereby improving order processing efficiency for the entire business.This integration provides real-time inventory updates, alerts for out-of-stock or low-stock products and quicker order fulfillment times. 
Additionally, automation of routine tasks such as order entry and shipping labels reduces the chances for errors and accelerates processing times. Moreover, most ERP systems provide companies with valuable insights into their order processing performance, enabling them to measure and improve customer service levels. Through ERP implementation, companies can reduce costs, increase productivity and positively impact customer satisfaction, making it a crucial investment.

5. Human Resources

Human resources management is a critical business function that deals with the management of human capital within an organization. Integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP)systems can greatly optimize HR functions by streamlining processes and increasing efficiency. 
ERPs can automate core HR functions and human resources data such as recruitment, onboarding, performance management and employee development, freeing up time and resources for HR professionals to focus on strategic initiatives. Additionally, enterprise systems can provide a common database for employee information, allowing for more accurate reporting and analysis. This data can help HR professionals make informed decisions about employee needs and identify areas for improvement. With a successful ERP implementation, HR can also collaborate in real-time with other departments, such as finance and operations, providing a holistic view of the business and fostering a culture of teamwork. 

6. Project Management

Project Management is a vital business function that involves planning, organizing, controlling and executing a project’s goals and objectives while ensuring that the project is completed within the specified time and budget. This process becomes even more efficient and effective with the use of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, which can leverage the power of machine learning to optimize project planning, execution, and delivery.
ERP systems facilitate project management by providing access to real-time information, automating repetitive tasks such as data entry and increasing transparency among team members. With an ERP system, project managers can track the progress of various tasks, allocate resources for critical tasks and make informed decisions based on the data available to them. ERP systems also enable project managers to forecast future costs, analyze project results and create post-project reports for analysis, providing a valuable tool for improving future projects.

7. Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management is a vital business function that focuses on building positive relationships with customers by managing their interactions and providing exceptional services. Today, managing an effective CRM strategy is a complex task. Hence organizations are opting for ERP systems to help optimize this function. 
Enterprise resource planning systems enable better management of customer data capture, customizing sales efforts and targeted marketing, tracking customer behavior and providing insights for better decision-making. The system can provide real-time data that greatly aids in understanding the customer’s needs and helps in establishing a personalized connection with them. Through the automation of CRM processes, businesses can streamline their customer interactions, save time and costs and improve overall customer satisfaction. 
An optimized CRM through the use of an ERP implementation can aid in gaining customer loyalty, enhancing customer experience, boosting revenue growth and increasing competitiveness in the market.

Signs That You Need ERP Software

1. An Infinite Regress of Spreadsheets

An infinite regress of spreadsheets is when a business has become dependent on spreadsheets and eventually, each spreadsheet refers to another, indefinitely. If a spreadsheet is not designed carefully, it can easily become impossible to use, as the user will be caught in an infinite loop of references. This situation is a telltale sign that an organization needs an ERP system. While spreadsheets are useful.

As an organization grows, so does its need for efficient data management across departments. However, relying solely on manually updated spreadsheets and a legacy system can lead to inaccuracies, redundant data and a lack of real-time visibility into crucial metrics. This can result in increased errors, delays and miscommunications.
ERP software, including manufacturing resource planning and robotic process automation, provides a centralized platform to manage data and streamline processes. It integrates various departments, enabling the organization to maintain accurate data in real time. This reduces the need for many spreadsheets and enables greater cooperation and decision-making. 

2. Discrepancies in Reports

When different departments within an organization work independently on their reports, inconsistencies can arise due to a lack of communication, human error, or different data sources. This can lead to inaccurate data and poor decision-making, delays in processes and, ultimately, lower productivity. In addition, the use of disparate systems by different departments can further exacerbate the problem of inconsistent data, making it difficult to reconcile data from different sources. 
ERP software helps to overcome these discrepancies by providing a centralized system where all data is stored and shared across departments. It also ensures that data is updated in real-time and eliminates the need for manual data entry. With the support of ERP software, organizations can make educated choices with accurate and consistent data, simplify their operations, save expenses and enhance customer satisfaction.

3. Lack of Visibility of Business-Critical Data

what is erp
When a business suffers from a lack of visibility of business-critical data, it is a sign that it needs ERP software. Business-critical data includes financial information, inventory levels, customer orders and production schedules, among other things. Without proper visibility into this data, it becomes nearly impossible for an entire business to make informed decisions and react quickly to changing situations. Early ERP systems were designed to address these challenges by integrating and automating key business processes and providing real-time visibility into business operations.

ERP software creates a common database that enables all departments within a business to have access to the same up-to-date information, eliminating the need for manual data input and duplication.  These systems often include Material Requirements Planning (MRP) functionality that allows businesses to better manage their inventory and production processes. This can help organizations reduce waste and improve their bottom line. Prior to the adoption of ERP systems, many businesses relied on  paper-based manufacturing systems that were inefficient and prone to errors.

With ERP software, businesses can gain a clear understanding of their operations and make strategic decisions based on accurate and timely information. By investing in an ERP solution, companies can ensure that they have the necessary visibility of their business-critical data to remain competitive in today’s fast-paced and globally-competitive business environment. ERP vendors can provide comprehensive solutions that integrate multiple business functions, enabling organizations to streamline their operations and improve efficiency. By partnering with an experienced ERP consultant such as Ultra Consultants, businesses can ensure that they are leveraging the latest technology and best practices to achieve their goals and stay ahead of the competition.

4. Difficulty managing business processes

With ERP systems, businesses can streamline their processes, centralizing information in a single system thanks to the built-in business management software. This enables the rapid sharing of information across all departments and the ability to access data in real-time. Managers can make informed decisions using the data available to create detailed reports. Additionally, missed modern ERP software integrates with nearly every other system used to operate your business efficiently. This way, data entry can be automated, reducing the chance of errors and improving productivity.  

With improved visibility, data analysts can detect problem areas of the business and address them early on. ERP implementation, with the help of experienced consultants, enable businesses to reallocate resources toward core activities.

5. Unhappy Customers

Unhappy customers can be a significant sign that companies need to consider implementing ERP software. When customers are unhappy, it leads to lost revenue, decreased loyalty and negative word-of-mouth reviews.

ERP software provides different business units with increased visibility into all areas of their operations, enabling them to maintain higher levels of customer satisfaction. ERP systems are designed to automate and streamline business processes, providing real-time access to critical data, which can help companies quickly identify and resolve issues. Additionally, ERP software can help organizations optimize their supply chain, resulting in faster delivery times and improved product quality. By establishing a unified system across all departments, companies can avoid communication breakdowns and ensure that they remain fully responsive to their customers’ needs. 

Overall, companies must view unhappy customers as an opportunity to improve their business processes, just as they can consider an ERP implementation as a way to enhance their competitive advantage or to improve upon their existing ERP system. Ultra Consultants can provide tailored solutions to meet specific business needs and requirements, ensuring that organizations have the right tools to address their customer needs and improve customer satisfaction.


To summarize, an Enterprise Resource Planning system is a strong tool that may assist firms in streamlining processes, improving cooperation across departments, improving decision-making and lowering costs. This system combines numerous company operations into a single system, allowing firms to use real-time data analytics to make more informed choices.

ERP implementation with the assistance of Ultra Consultants can provide numerous benefits, including increased efficiency, better data management, improved collaboration, enhanced customer service, cost savings and scalability. Additionally, an ERP system can help businesses stay competitive in the marketplace by enabling them to respond quickly to changing business conditions and customer demands.
Businesses should consider implementing modern ERP solutions with the help of Ultra Consultants when they are facing challenges in managing their processes, lack visibility into their operations, rely on manual processes, face data duplication issues, struggle with inefficient inventory management or experience difficulty scaling their operations. At Ultra Consultants, we can help businesses improve their overall performance and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
By centralizing customer data and automating processes, ERP systems can help businesses improve response times, streamline communication and provide a more personalized experience for customers. 
As businesses grow, managing different processes can become cumbersome, complex and confusing. This often leads to redundancy in data entry and errors in information analysis. 
ERP consultants and what they do

New Rules of ERP

To be successful, companies must play by a new set of rules when selecting an ERP system. To help guide the process of ERP evaluation and selection, here are seven new rules to keep in mind when entering into an ERP project.



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