Avoid The 7 Deadly Sins & Focus on Core Processes

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Avoid The 7 Deadly Sins & Focus on Core Processes

Process Improvement is Key to Business Transformation

When you avoid committing any of The 7 Deadly Sins of ERP Implementation, your project team can laser-focus on business process improvement. At the most basic level, the primary function of an ERP solution is to help your organization efficiently and effectively execute core business processes.

It’s easy to lose sight of that fact and get distracted by complex software comparisons, cloud vs. on-premises debates, deployment strategy discussions, budget negotiations and other important considerations. But when you keep management, project teams and stakeholders concentrated on streamlining and integrating your processes, you virtually ensure that you will realize improved productivity, accelerated workflows, lower operational costs and a better bottom line.

Which is not to say that your ERP implementation will be a walk in the park. In fact, the journey from your current state to your future state will be difficult. Every aspect of operations will be disrupted. Delays will be inevitable and frustrating. New and significantly altered business processes will be necessary. And the fundamental changes it brings will be uncomfortable.

Know that, although the process will be challenging, the outcome – business transformation – is worth the trouble.

The 7 Deadly Sins of ERP Implementation

Some mistakes are just bad strategic or financial decisions. Some are the inevitable consequence of situational or organizational factors. Some, however, are the result of process-oriented or people-centric choices – and are easily avoided. These are The Seven Deadly Sins of ERP Implementation.

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