Tips to Start an ERP Project (Podcast)

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Tips to Start an ERP Project

Podcast Episode

Episode 5: (7:27)

Starting an ERP project? Ultra considers these projects as major transformations.

This podcast looks at the genesis of such projects – what has transpired to get an organization to the point of looking for new technology?

For most ERP project teams, starting an ERP project is a daunting task.  It’s common for selection teams to get pulled into a variety of directions, often losing focus because they are responding to pressing demands and fighting for internal resources to drive effective ERP selection.

What’s the Genesis of Your Project?

Host Jeff Carr looks at the genesis of ERP projects. It’s often a combination of a company outgrowing legacy systems and being burdened with manual and standalone processes – common scenarios that leave the company with an unstable and ineffective technical environment.

Jeff also looks at ERP project considerations such as being on time, being on budget, reduced disruption and of course the ROI of the technology.

Listen as Jeff suggests starting by taking a hard look at the value delivered by the current enterprise technology solution, to assess whether current systems can improve the way a business operates or if indeed an evaluation and selection project is necessary.

To help guide the value assessment, noted here are key areas to consider.

  • What is the value that our current ERP system is providing?
  • What is the value of a new ERP system?
  • Can the existing ERP system match the value of the new ERP?
  • Is the business being held back by the lack of an ERP system or one that is up-to-date?

Starting an ERP Project? Think Value

In the case of assessing the current value of a legacy ERP system, the primary focus should be on the specific features and functions supported by the ERP system.

Jeff poses a series of interesting points about value. Will the project support the business -not just the current state of business but the future state as well?  Listen and learn!

Learn more from Ultra on Starting an ERP Project:

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