6 Software Selection Pain Points (and Proven Solutions)

Table of Contents

Business success depends, in large part, on using the best software. When it comes time to selecting modern ERP software or other technologies, even savvy leaders face difficulties due to the sheer number of software solutions on the market and the complexity of enterprise software.

To narrow the field and find the right software system for your company’s unique needs, the selection process must follow a clear method so you’re able to make an informed decision. Here is a list of software selection pain points our team frequently sees when guiding organizations through the business software selection process, along with some best practice solutions:

  1. Establishing Accurate Requirements
  2. Selecting the Solution Vendor
  3. Generating an Implementation Plan
  4. Estimating Resources
  5. Building OCM
  6. Managing Implementation
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The Comprehensive ERP Success Guide

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What are 6 Top Software Selection Pain Points and Solutions?

1. Establishing accurate requirements and relevant priorities

A successful software project isn’t just about the technology. Digital transformation is more than putting your existing processes into a new platform. It usually requires a redesign of processes across multiple levels of your organization. Incorrect technology requirements will yield the wrong software choice, and faulty priorities direct attention and effort away from core issues.

Your software search begins with evaluating the current state. In order to determine the specific requirements for the software, you first need to examine where you are now, and where you want to be in the future. Look at the limitations of your existing systems, determine where the gaps are in your current processes, and define your business objectives. Then, your team can evaluate technology functionality to find the right software based on fulfilling those goals.

  • Determine and document the current state
  • Develop a succinct and focused list of requirements and opportunities
  • Develop and vet priorities with leadership and core users
  • Formalize documentation to support


2. Selecting and negotiating with the software vendors and implementation partners

A recent Forbes article stated, “if a business doesn’t carefully choose and vet a software vendor, the resulting “solution” can cause more problems than it solves.” Homegrown software selection protocols are seldom successful when evaluating potential solutions. A software vendor oftentimes presents a demonstration based on their strengths, not necessarily on how well they’ll address your specific needs. This will create limitations that will not be discovered until well into the implementation process.

To ensure that your software selection journey is guided by your list of requirements, and that you’re comparing apples-to-apples when evaluating potential vendors, you need a structured approach to software selection.

  • Develop a standard scoring system, measurements and criteria
  • Evaluate functional fit as the primary focus, but also consider technical, implementation and cost fit
  • Ensure apples-to-apples grading for product demos
  • Utilize intelligent and appropriate negotiation techniques
  • Pay attention to contract clauses
software selection pain points

3. Generating a feasible and realistic implementation plan

Relying on a vendor-templated plan for project management rarely caters to special needs and may leave many parameters unmet. What works for one company may not be the best plan for yours. An implementation that doesn’t take your company’s business needs into account can lead to software problems and functionality that doesn’t meet your business goals.

Leverage the vendor’s approach but create a customized version that addresses unique business requirements and includes all supporting activities.

  • Have realistic expectations that align with a transformation roadmap
  • Develop a detailed timeline and ensure clarity around which party is responsible for each stage
  • Ensure adequate resources are allocated to implementing the project
  • Generate a budget that will meet the needs of the plan

4. Estimating resources needed, making a backfill plan, and upgrading aging hardware

The implementation effort often is misunderstood and underestimated. Many implementation failures are attributable to resource issues. To ensure success, it’s critical that your technology project is a priority for leadership, and you must be prepared for unexpected requirements for your new solution.

Develop a realistic view and honest assessment of available resources to gain a better understanding of where resources may fall short. This includes personnel, budget, and even hardware upgrades.

  • Mitigate conflicts with backfill plans
  • Anticipate circumstances that will result in utilizing outside resources or purchasing new hardware
  • Gain solid leadership support and core team sponsorship

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5. Building effective organizational change management

Don’t neglect the ‘people side’ of change. ERP implementation does not simply carry existing processes into a new platform. In many cases, these initiatives require a redesign of the way things are done at multiple levels of the organization. These aspects often are forgotten, and even the most robust implementation plan will fail without them.

You need to have a comprehensive change management plan in place, starting with communication. Change causes stress, and proactively communicating to all other stakeholders will go a long way toward mitigating uncertainty and will help ensure a positive outcome with your software solution. Involve your key stakeholders across the company before, during and after the selection and implementation. Ensure buy-in and request input along the way so teams feel ownership in the success of the project.

  • Implement strong governance protocols and have effective collaboration tools in place
  • Document accountability measures and get buy-in and sign-off from all relevant parties
  • Ensure documentation and adequate training on the new system are made available
  • Prepare for resistance to change—and be ready to manage it

6. Managing software implementation partner performance and ensuring accountability

A project charter is like a roadmap for your digital transformation. It contains details around the project’s scope, objectives, stakeholders, and a plan including timeline and budget. Project charters without specific deliverables, guarantees, performance incentives, breach penalties and exit clauses are almost worthless.

To avoid unnecessary risks and costly delays, insist on a proper project charter.

  • Pay close attention to contract details and clauses—and demand clarity
  • Establish a risk management plan to avoid mid-implementation questions and confusion
  • Monitor adherence to budget, timeline and scope

Ask the Ultra Team for Solutions

Are you experiencing any of these new software selection pain points? Ultra can help with our proven methodology. Our mission is all about solutions! We’ve helped hundreds of manufacturers and distributors find the right solution for them. Contact us today to see how a modern software solution and improved business processes can make a difference and drive success across your organization.

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