Artificial Intelligence & ERP: A Perfect Match

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Artificial Intelligence & ERP: A Perfect Match


This guest post looks at issues manufacturers can run into with ERP selection. 

While the implementation of the concept is still relatively new for some companies, augmenting ERPs with artificial intelligence is a concept worth exploring to future-proof and optimize your business. When artificial intelligence and enterprise resource planning systems are working in tandem, that can mean considerable benefits in processes, data, operations, and outputs. AI supplements the functionality of your ERP by expanding what can be automated and optimized–and how–creating a system that improves decision-making, automates tasks, and streamlines business operations based on in-depth data, analysis, and insights. That means the short- and long-term potential can be a powerhouse combination for your business’s potential.

Here is a look at some ways that AI and ERPs can benefit your business’s future.

Offloading Tasks Can Optimize Human Skillsets 

ERP systems use technology to perform tasks that humans can do, but with more effectiveness and efficiency–however, humans are still doing the majority of the work. Augmenting ERPs with AI not only reduces time and human error, but it also frees up humans to put their time and talents toward tasks that require higher-level skill sets. From deploying virtual assistants and chatbots as the first line of customer service interaction to optimizing warehouse staffing based on seasonality, with AI as an integral part of an ERP system, your human workforce can focus on tasks requiring skills that can’t be automated, such as critical thinking and emotional intelligence.

Deeper Data Insights Drive Better Decision-Making 

ERP systems give you an in-depth look at what your business is doing and how—but the inputs and outputs are all mostly human-driven. So when AI provides the data analysis, you can expect it to find patterns and optimizations that humans might overlook or miss, and at a much faster pace. In analyzing data, a human user may dismiss what they consider to be short-term or small-impact solutions. However, artificial intelligence will see opportunities for optimization and offer more effective, efficient solutions that can save time and money in the long-run. AI-enabled ERPs allow you to gather more data-driven insights that you can then put to use for better business decision-making.

Automation, Automation, Automation 

With AI, ‘automation’ is the name of the game. When you’re able to automate and offload time-consuming or tedious tasks, your systems, data, and human workforces can work even harder and go even further. Automating work that requires significant amounts of time and labor helps you make the most of your monetary and human resources.

How to Prepare for Integrating AI into Your Business’ ERP

If you think the benefits of AI-augmented ERPs sound great, now it’s time to think about how you can prepare for this level of advancement and transformation.

There are a few things you can do to start evaluating where things currently stand and preparing for the integration of artificial intelligence in your ERPs and within your business.

  1. Make sure your business and your ERP are Cloud-enabled – The Cloud is a critical component in fully integrating AI functionality into your business and your ERP system. By enabling the Cloud, not only will more AI advancements be available to you across different facets of your business, but your business can operate with more agility, instead of being locked into rigid and inflexible physical systems.
  2. Make sure you have an open mind – As the future is ushered in by artificial intelligence, there can be an adjustment in getting used to new approaches, new ways of thinking, and new ways of taking on tasks. Not only do you need to be open to these new ways of doing business, but you also need to ensure your employees, stakeholders, and anyone else working in or with your company and ERP systems operates with an open mind as well.
  3. Make sure you have the right people on your side – It’s not easy to take on transformation all on your own. A trusted partner can help by expertly guiding you through each step. That might start with helping you envision all of the possibilities AI can bring to your business to seeing you through the actual implementation process. With experienced and knowledgeable partners who have your best interests in mind, you can be sure that you, your employees, and your customers are fully prepared for everything the future has to offer your business.

What’s Next 

Digital transformation is inevitable, and it can have significant benefits for your business. Make sure your business can transform seamlessly with technology advancements and automation brought on by ERPs augmented with artificial intelligence.

With the right ERP system in place, you can transform your business into an efficient, productive, outcome-driven powerhouse. To learn more about ERP benefits, check out this article from Decision Resources, Inc., How ERP Can Be Used to Improve Company Performance.


SAM DEBONE 300x300 1Sam DeBone has proudly led Decision Resources, Inc.’s sales and marketing team since 1989. Sam has more than three decades of experience in the software industry and more than 25 years of experience with SyteLine and CloudSuite Industrial software solutions. He is actively involved not only with projects for new customers, but also in working to ensure that DRI’s existing customers continuously receive the advice and support they need concerning upgrades, new products, and consulting services. Sam enjoys working closely with DRI’s customers and is deeply committed to the company philosophy that there is nothing more important than DRI’s relationship with our customers

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