Starting a Journey to ERP? Get Your Guide to Business Process Improvement

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Starting a Journey to ERP? Get Your Guide to Business Process Improvement

Most manufacturing and distribution companies have a goal of business process improvement. That’s why many companies partner with Ultra, as they require modern technology to support that improvement.

Each organization’s “current state” is different.

Some companies already have the necessary technology in place, but it isn’t in use effectively.

Other organizations have undergone a recent merger or acquisition and look to centralize on one system.

Still others have experienced a failed implementation project, and seek Ultra’s team to recover from an ERP failure.

With a portfolio of over 400 engagements, we’ve seen many examples of projects. Two recent engagements include:

  • An industrial supplier that sought out Ultra’s expertise in developing a business process improvement plan and the eventual selection of software to support that plan. This software in consideration was ERP and Warehouse Management –  software that supports the company’s business performance objectives. The technology platform chosen could be SAAS, on-premise or a combination of both. It ultimately answers the question “what technologies address both current and long-term objectives, supporting our company’s growth and eventual business process transformation”.
  • A manufacturer that already had modern technology in place and sought our expertise in designing, driving and implementing a future state of business process improvement.

In each case, and many other’s we’ve led as an independent ERP consulting firm, the organization’s transformation plan included a timeline of policies, procedures, technology and processes to move the organization from a current state (“as is”) to a future state (“to be”) of improved efficiencies, productivity and continuous improvement.

Education is Key to Success

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It’s no secret that an enterprise technology project is one of the most complicated and difficult challenges an organization will take on. Moreover, they are resource-intensive and vulnerable to problems without education in best practices and business operations efficiency.

After 25 years successfully guiding manufacturers and distributors through their enterprise technology journeys, we understand what it takes to drive business performance improvement.

That knowledge is now available to you in a comprehensive eBook of enterprise technology educational resources for the manufacturing and distribution sector.

We encourage you to download The Manufacturer’s Guide to Business Process Improvement to obtain resources to justify a technology project, whether your company proceeds to a new ERP selection or opts to enhance your current solutions. You’ll also get tips to put the focus on business process improvement strategies and tactics that drive results.

Get Your Guide to Business Process Improvement

  • Download the complete “Manufacturer’s Guide to Business Process Improvement” to start your journey.
  • See additional resources and ERP education to get deeper insight.
  • Looking to drive Business Process Improvement? Contact Ultra for the best way to get started.

The 7 Deadly Sins of ERP Implementation

Some mistakes are just bad strategic or financial decisions. Some are the inevitable consequence of situational or organizational factors. Some, however, are the result of process-oriented or people-centric choices – and are easily avoided. These are The Seven Deadly Sins of ERP Implementation.

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