How Your Legacy ERP is Holding Back Your Business and Hurting your Revenue (Video)

How Your Legacy ERP is Holding Back Your Business and Hurting your Revenue (Video)

An old ERP can be the reason you lose customers or fail to maximize their lifetime value. And, what's more, it may hurt your ability to hire and retain top talent, and cause you to pay higher salaries.

What is the definition of a "legacy" ERP system? What are the problems that come with using yesterday's software to manage today's enterprises?

We asked Ultra's Katrine Maguire and SAP's Peter Malone about the shortcomings of aging ERP solutions. And in this two-minute excerpt from our recent webinar, "The Hidden Cost of Legacy ERP," they offer insight into how to evaluate your legacy software, and into the new and advanced capabilities that modern software solutions offer.

What to know more? View the entire webinar on-demand here.

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