What’s the Payoff for Companies that Team with Independent Technology Advisors?

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What’s the Payoff for Companies that Team with Independent Technology Advisors?

Today’s blog post shares a video highlight to understand the payoff for those companies that team with independent technology advisors.

One of the pleasures of partnering with forward-thinking manufacturing and distribution companies is to guide project teams that seek true business transformation.

As ERP consultants, we come to feel like we’re part of the organization – working shoulder to shoulder with ERP project teams throughout the country.

While every client engagement is unique with a distinct set of operational, market and customer demands, organizations share common goals as they seek to maximize the benefits of enterprise technology across the entire business.

Watch and learn as Ultra’s Founder and CEO Jeff Carr speaks with Dennis Gilhooley, Jr, Ultra’s Regional Director, about a recent engagement with a mid-market manufacturer. The informative video illustrates how the company achieved ROI from teaming with independent technology advisors from Ultra during business process improvement and technology evaluation.

Learn More about Teaming with Independent Technology Advisors

In all, when it comes to getting the best results from ERP, having a systemic approach to evaluation, selection and implementation will help assure success.

Teaming with independent technology advisors is your best path to ROI.

7 Steps to Effectively Organize an ERP Project

The 7 Steps to Effectively Organize an ERP Project is designed for ERP project teams from today’s forward-thinking manufacturing and distribution organizations.

  • Read tried and true strategies for manufacturers to effectively manage an ERP selection project. See what it takes to be successful and more with this Download.
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