Seeing Clearly: Data Visibility Improves Decisions

Seeing Clearly: Data Visibility Improves Decisions

As an ERP consulting firm, we often guide teams to work through enterprise system selection to improve key processes related to gaining visibility into the enterprise.

A common theme running is a desire these organizations have for improved visibility and transparency of information.

The role of an ERP consultant adds clarity in helping the ERP project team understand the types of data that should be tracked, the reporting format that is most useful, and the importance of integrated data visibility.

ERP and Data Visibility

View highlights from the educational webinar “Improve Decision Making with Actionable Intelligence.”  Ultra’s Director of the Center of Excellence, Andrew Bolivar, explains why data visibility is critical. 

Today’s modern ERP systems capture, store, and trend a range of information such as quality, production, shipping, financial, supply chain activity and more.

Yet even today, many organizations use a variety of manual methods, standalone spreadsheets and other patchwork systems to track data, and are in a poor position to react to change, optimize business processes such as production planning, or to improve relationships with customers and supply chain partners.

This is where “data visualization” comes into play – making key data actionable by visually aggregating numerous data points into displays that use colors, gauges, graphs, and other visual representations to display trends, averages, unusual results, compliance with goals or expectations, and other “actionable” information for managers and executives.

Learn More about Data Visibility

No matter the sector – food processors, industrial equipment, metal fabricators, distributors or others – the teams we talk to are hungry for real-time visibility into their entire operation to clearly see bottlenecks, adjust and improve productivity.

With access to more timely and accurate information, the assumption is that manufacturers use that data to take the needed action to improve business processes.

A focus on business process improvement is the foundation for successful implementation of an ERP system that improves data visibility.

See additional resources for ERP education to get deeper insight.

Looking to transform your enterprise through effective use of information systems?  Contact Ultra for the best way to get started.

The 7 Deadly Sins of ERP Implementation

Some mistakes are just bad strategic or financial decisions. Some are the inevitable consequence of situational or organizational factors. Some, however, are the result of process-oriented or people-centric choices – and are easily avoided. These are The Seven Deadly Sins of ERP Implementation.

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