Project Management and Group #1: The Initiating Process Group

Table of Contents


As we discussed in our Project Management Process Groups blog, a process is a series of interrelated actions and activities performed to achieve a product, service or results. The PMBOK breaks projects down into five process groups: Initiating Process Group, Planning Process Group, Executing Process Group, Monitoring Process Group, and Closing Process Group. This blog is dedicated to the first of these groups: Initiating.

The Purpose of The Initiating Process Group

The Initiating Process Group is critical in starting a project properly. Its primary purpose is to a) develop the project charter and b) identify stakeholders. In order to accomplish these tasks, one must receive the correct authorization, financing, and identification of all stakeholders.

What is a Project Charter?

A project charter contains an overview of the project. It highlights the approach the project will take and all signatures needed to approve the project. This document authorizes a project manager to utilize organizational resources for specific use of the project.

In order to create a project charter, you must interact with the person who wishes the project to be completed, also known as the Project Sponsor, or Project Management Office (PMO). Basically, the Project Sponsor must have the authority to commit organizational resources and funding to the project in order to move forward.

Identifying Stakeholders

A “stakeholder” is any person or organization that is actively involved in a project, or whose interests may be affected positively or negatively by execution of a project. Stakeholders can be internal to the organization or external. The project manager must document relevant information for all identified stakeholders. This information may include the stakeholder’s interests, involvement, expectations, importance, influence, and impact on the project’s execution as well as any specific communications requirements. It is important to note that although some identified stakeholders may not actually require any communications, those stakeholders should be identified.

Stay Tuned for More Posts in Our Project Management Series

After completing the processes in this group, a project manager has the authority to use organizational resources for project activities. Our next blog in the series of Project Management will discuss the Planning Process Group. To stay up to date on our latest blogs, visit our website here.

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