ERP Podcast

Four checkmarks on paper

How to Identify ERP Vendors (Podcast)

The decision to upgrade or implement a new ERP system is likely one of the most complex and resource-intensive initiatives a company will face. A typical question we hear from teams is how to identify ERP vendors.

Most project teams from mid-market manufacturing and distribution organizatons are challenged by an ERP selection project.

Manufacturing digital

The Evolution of Core ERP Applications (Podcast)

How have core ERP applications evolved over the last decade or so? That’s the topic of Ultra’s latest ERP podcast.

In the past years, typically organizations use ERP to track back office functions based on a “transactional” basis.

Today, the role of ERP has expanded beyond the traditional back end applications to provide advanced features to employees and partners (such as suppliers and customers).

Target with hand pointing to middle.

How to Define ERP Project Scope (Podcast)

Why does ERP project scope matter to today’s manufacturing and distribution organization? And what needs to be considered when it comes time to define ERP project scope?

In this episode of Ultra’s ERP podcast, host Jeff Carr breaks down the key areas to focus on when it comes to defining the ERP project.

As Jeff so clearly articulates, defining the ERP project is key before any efforts to identify vendors. His guidance covers the specific “value streams” so important to today’s streamlined operations.

Arrow pointing up with manufacturing cogs

In Search of ERP Value (Podcast)

An ERP project must add value to the bottom line of the organization. That’s what the Ultra team has seen time and again in the decades of service we’ve provided to manufacturing and distribution companies.

In this episode of Ultra’s ERP Insights podcast, host Jeff Carr, founder and CEO of Ultra Consultants, breaks down the three areas to focus on when it comes to deriving ROI from an ERP project.

Man looking a information on graphics wall.

Tips to Start an ERP Project (Podcast)

Starting an ERP project? Ultra considers these projects as major transformations.

This podcast looks at the genesis of such projects – what has transpired to get an organization to the point of looking for new technology?

For most ERP project teams, starting an ERP project is a daunting task. It’s common for selection teams to get pulled into a variety of directions, often losing focus because they are responding to pressing demands and fighting for internal resources to drive effective ERP selection.

4 Potential Solutions for the Manufacturing Labor Shortage

Skilled manufacturing jobs continue to go unfilled, despite the ongoing economic recovery from the pandemic downturn, strong job growth overall, rising wages across nearly every vertical and high unemployment in the service sector (and others). The result is production bottlenecks, reduced capacity, unfilled orders, low inventories and lost sales. What…

Global Consumer Goods Organization Improves Business Processes and Prepares for Growth

Global organizations, particularly those dealing in Consumer Goods, often struggle with piecemeal systems, which create inconsistent approaches to business processes and financials.

5 Guidelines for Evaluating ERP Systems for CPG Manufacturers

Today’s ERP systems for Consumer Products Manufacturers (CPG) must drive true transformation. In order to compete, consumer goods companies must keep pace with customer demand while managing margins and complying with ever-changing safety and environmental regulations

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