The Evolution of Core ERP Applications (Podcast)

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The Evolution of Core ERP Applications

Podcast Episode

Episode 8: (9:55)

How have core ERP applications evolved over the last decade or so? That’s the topic of Ultra’s latest ERP podcast.

In the past years, typically organizations use ERP to track back office functions based on a "transactional" basis.

Today, the role of ERP has expanded beyond the traditional back end applications to provide advanced features  to employees and partners (such as suppliers and customers). Core ERP applications have expanded to enable collaborative initiatives such as supply chain management, customer relationship management, business intelligence, eCommerce and much more.

Listen as host Jeff Carr describes how the core ERP applications have evolved to today’s modern ERP project.

The podcast episode provides an ERP project team a fast listen into the foundation of ERP – how have features extended to track the value streams of today’s manufacturing enterprise?

Core ERP Applications by Value Stream

  • Marketing to Automation – from social media, Customer Relationship Management (ERP) to eCommerce, Product Information Manufacturing, core ERP applications have extended to marketing to automation.
  • Product Lifecycle Management – Jeff describes this important area of enterprise systems which tracks information from product data management, document control, CAD storage and other areas, to work instructions, engineering change orders and more.
  • Customer Service – From web portals, quoting and estimating capabilities, along with collaboration with customers, ERP features now collaborate and integrate customer service.
  • Supply Chain Management – Supply chain management is a cross-functional approach that includes managing materials into finished goods, and the movement of finished goods out of the organization and toward the end consumer. It’s an area of enterprise technology that streamlines the activities for effectively ordering, supplier communications, inventory, and communications with the extended enterprise.
  • Production – This is core functionality concerned with capacity scheduling, finite scheduling,   multi-facility management and optimizing production in a multi-plant environment.
  • Shop floor – Shop floor control helps track data collection and data integration to the machine-level. In this era of the Industrial Internet of Things and industrial automation, the connected factory is critical to success.  Jeff talks about the expansion from the shop floor to connecting machinery.
  • Quality – A critical set of functionalities in core ERP applications provides a centralized means of managing and tracking  Features offer workflow-based and provide intelligent routing to move quality-related events through the different areas of the business to ensure quality assurance. Common features involve document control, audit management, nonconformance tracking, corrective action and more.
  • Warehouse – Another set of core ERP application, this area of functionality helps manage warehouse operations from the time goods or materials enter a warehouse until they move out. Inventory management, picking and auditing are involved in this area.
  • Human Resources – When it comes to core ERP applications, most mid-market companies use features from the payroll provider for what is termed “Human Capital Management.”  In terms of core ERP applications, the idea of connecting time tracking, scheduling and other HR areas need integration into ERP
  • Financial Management – Core ERP applications typically offer budgeting, consolidation, forecasting and expanded business intelligence and reporting.  Many organizations now appreciate today’s advanced Dashboard permissions, customized view of information and permission-level access.

Core ERP Applications - A Fast Listen

The Ultra independent ERbP consultant team places a high priority on providing education. Take a few moments to hear Jeff Carr share his expertise as to the evolution of core ERP applications.

Seeking your own evolution? Contact Ultra to speak to an expert ready to help.

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