What is Organizational Change Management?

Table of Contents

Change is coming for your organization. Whether from new technology, market challenges or internal business processes or cultural changes, how your company manages change can mean the difference between success or failure.

What is Organizational Change Management?

Today’s business changes require a structured approach. Enter Organizational Change Management (OCM). What is organizational change management? OCM helps facilitate transitions, while helping employees embrace the changes, minimizing resistance and enhancing buy-in.

This holistic view of organizational change recognizes that successful transitions aren’t only a factor of technology implementation, but also focuses on “the people side of change.” By establishing a resilient workforce, companies are better prepared to handle the change at hand, as well as any future challenges.

A successful change management program helps ensure maximum return on technology investments and reduces the risks of organizational change including cost overruns, lack of adoption, or resource shortages. Plus, OCM leads to increases in performance and morale, creating a more agile company capable of embracing change and paving the way for growth regardless of the shifting marketplace.

basics of change management

The Basics of Change Management

Download the eBook to discover valuable insights into the change management process, including key models, tools, and techniques.


Organizational Change Management Strategies for Success

Organizational change requires effective project management to navigate transitions effectively. Here are a few strategies to ensure successful change management initiatives.

Clear Communication

Perhaps the most important strategy in managing change is communication—before, during, and after the project. Organizations must explain the reasons for change along with the expected benefits and desired outcomes in relation to business goals. Clear, effective communication helps mitigate confusion and anxiety among employees. Providing multiple channels for updates and feedback, including email and company meetings aide in keeping the team informed and engaged.

Involved Leadership

Effective OCM strategy starts with leadership. Beyond simply endorsing the change initiative, they need to fully participate in the process. Through demonstrating commitment to the project, they foster confidence from the team.

OCM leadership What is Organizational Change Management

Stakeholder Engagement

Who do you need to have on-board, backing the changes before they’re implemented? Involving key stakeholders early on in the change management plan can help to reduce resistance and encourages a sense of ownership among the team. Plus, encouraging employee engagement from the beginning presents opportunities to address roadblocks, objections and challenges early, setting the stage for successful adoption.


Effective organizational change management must keep end users in mind. Whether expected changes are stemming from digital transformation, new organizational structure, or cultural changes providing training resources helps employees adapt to new systems and processes. In addition, ensuring that ongoing support is available, such as a library of reference videos or written documentation helps reinforce the changes.

Feedback Opportunity

As your company is undergoing the change management process, it’s important to establish opportunities for ongoing feedback. Reaching out with regular check-ins, surveys or in-person meetings can identify areas for improvement as well as successes. Establishing a system for regular feedback encourages a company culture that values continuous improvement.

"The management of it shouldn’t be siloed in leadership. The biggest mistake I often see in change management is that company leaders often fail to involve managers in the process to embrace, promote and facilitate the changes that need to happen.”

Why You Should Use a Change Management Consultant

For organizations undergoing major change, enlisting the help of a change management consultant can be a game-changer. Consultants bring expertise and insight to help navigate the various types of organizational change, ensuring a smooth transition and greater success.

A Wealth of Experience

Change management consultant are experienced in best practices and methodology behind successful organizational change. Having worked with a variety of organizations across industries, they understand the common challenges and roadblocks that can derail desired outcomes. Their experience allows them to tailor effective strategies for your company’s unique needs, moving you from your current state to the future state you envision.

An Outsider’s Perspective

Sometimes it’s hard to spot the warning signs if you’re too close to a project. An outside consultant brings their unbiased viewpoint, assessing the situation with fresh eyes. They can identify potential issues your internal team members might overlook while posing the tough questions that might be difficult for employees to raise.

Focus on Core Business

Managing change initiatives can be time and resource intensive, taking time away from your core business responsibilities. By outsourcing OCM to an experienced consulting team, your staff can focus on what they do best, keeping productivity moving while ensuring that the change process is handled effectively.


The ultimate aim of a change initiative is to effect change immediately, yes. But it’s also important to ensure that the changes are sustainable for the long term. A consultant can help lay the groundwork to position your company for ongoing adaptability to change by establishing a culture of continuous improvement, measurement metrics, and feedback processes.

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A Structured Approach

A qualified OCM consultant provides structure to the organizational change management process. This proven methodology ensures that best practices are adhered to including a comprehensive communication strategy, stakeholder engagement plans, and training resources. By leveraging a proven process, they can help your company avoid pitfalls and reduce the risk of project failure.

The structured plan consists of a variety of areas of focus including:

Readiness Assessment

A crucial piece of change management is change readiness, assessing how well a company can adapt to change initiatives. An experienced OCM consultant engages the business at every level, assessing the current state of the culture and processes, identifying potential points of resistance.

Organizational Alignment

Organizational alignment defines roles, teams and jobs to support new business processes and are in sync with business objectives. Through stakeholder engagement during the change initiative, the OCM consultant can ensure clarity and alignment across the company. They help establish an environment where all parties understand their contribution to the larger vision, driving effective change implementation.

OCM change management consultant

Communication Planning

A communication plan is essential for detailing the reasons for change, lending clarity to how the proposed changes will affect all areas of the business and set reasonable expectations around the implementation steps. An OCM consultant can help craft the communications to address the concerns of specific stakeholders, establishing a culture of trust throughout the transition. Clear communications reduce employee resistance and encourage buy-in.

Training and Support

To fully embrace transformational change, employees need training to develop the skills for any new processes or technology. Consultants are experienced with various training resources to help build confidence and engagement among the team. Plus, ongoing support even after the transition helps address concerns and reinforces a culture where change is accepted and embraced.

In summary, engaging a change management consultant can significantly enhance the success of your change initiatives. Their expertise, objectivity, and structured change management model help organizations navigate transitions effectively, ultimately driving long-term success and resilience.


Effective Organizational Change Management is essential for navigating complex transformation. By leveraging the expertise of an experienced change management consultant, your organization can implement a structured approach that focuses on the technical aspects of change while also prioritizing the human side. Through clear communication, engaged leadership, stakeholder involvement, comprehensive training, and continuous feedback, you can minimize resistance and foster a culture of adaptability. Ultimately, embracing these strategies leads to sustainable change, increased employee morale, and a resilient organization poised for growth.

Ultra’s change management consulting services offer a comprehensive roadmap for successfully navigating change within your organization. With decades of experience, our OCM professionals guide you through implementations and business transformations, minimizing risks linked to major technology shifts, curbing project cost overruns, and equipping your team with the necessary tools for swift and effective digital transformation. Get started today by requesting your free discovery call.

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