How to Fix ERP Failures

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How Do You Fix ERP Failures?

ERP implementation failure can be a devastating blow to any organization. This failure results in wasted resources, disrupted  operations and demoralized employees. However, all hope is not lost. With the right approach and a solid recovery plan, you can fix a failed ERP implementation and get your organization back on track.

basics of erp implementation rescue ebook guide

Basics of ERP Rescue

Download our helpful eBook to discover the key steps to rescue a failed ERP project and get repositioned for business success.


1. Assess the Root Causes of Failure

The first step in fixing a failed ERP implementation is to identify the root causes of the ERP failure. There are several common reasons why ERP projects fail, including:

  • Poor project management: Inadequate planning, lack of clear objectives and ineffective communication could all be contributing factors to your project  failure.
  • Inadequate training and user adoption: If employees were not properly trained  on how to use the new  system, they may not  embrace the change,  making the implementation more likely to fail.
  • Lack of executive support: If you failed to solicit buy-in from top-level   management, it can be challenging to overcome obstacles and ensure the success of the  implementation.
  • Inaccurate requirements gathering: If your organization’s requirements were not properly documented or understood, the implemented system may not have met your  organization’s stated needs.
  • Insufficient testing and quality assurance:
    Inadequate testing leads to system errors and  functional gaps that hinder the implementation’s  success.

By conducting a thorough analysis of the failed implementation, you can  pinpoint the specific issues that led to the failure and develop a targeted recovery plan.

2. Develop a Recovery Plan

Once you have identified the root causes of the failure, it is crucial to develop a comprehensive recovery plan. This plan should outline the steps and strategies that will be implemented to address the issues and get the ERP project back on track.

Some key components to consider when developing a recovery plan include:

  • Prioritize Critical Areas: Your organization needs to identify the most critical areas that need immediate attention and prioritize them accordingly. This may include addressing functionality gaps, data integrity issues or performance problems. By focusing on the most pressing issues first, you can quickly restore functionality and regain user confidence.
  • Allocate Sufficient Resources: Ensure that you have the necessary resources, including both human and financial resources. These resources play a key role in  supporting the recovery efforts. This may involve reallocating internal resources, engaging external consultants or securing additional budget to address the issues identified.
  • Establish Clear Objectives and Milestones: Define clear objectives and milestones for the recovery plan. This will help keep the project on track and  provide measurable targets for progress assessment. Regularly review and update these objectives as the recovery plan progresses.
  • Enhance User Training and Support: Invest in comprehensive user training and support to ensure that employees have the knowledge and resources they need to effectively use the ERP system. This may involve providing additional training sessions, creating user guides and documentation, or establishing a dedicated support team.
  • Improve Communication and Change Management:
    Effective communication is essential during the  recovery process. Keep all stakeholders informed of the progress, challenges and changes being implemented, even though it may seem embarrassing to admit failures and setbacks. Additionally, focus on change  management strategies to ensure that employees are engaged and receptive to the necessary changes.
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3. Engage Executive Support

Executive support plays a crucial role in the recovery of a failed ERP implementation. Secure the backing of top-level management to ensure that the necessary resources and support are provided, especially if this was lacking during your first attempt. Executives can champion the recovery efforts, advocate for additional funding if needed and help communicate your organization’s commitment to addressing the issues.

4. Implement Corrective Actions

With the recovery plan in place and executive support secured, it’s time to implement corrective actions. Address the identified issues systematically, focusing on the most critical areas first.
Some possible corrective actions may include:

System customization: Modify the ERP system to meet your organization’s specific requirements, and address functionality gaps.
• Data cleansing and migration: Conduct a thorough review of the data, identify and correct any errors, and ensure a smooth and accurate data migration process.
• Process optimization: Streamline and optimize your business processes to align with the capabilities of the ERP system and  improve overall efficiency.
• User training and support: Provide ongoing training and support to ensure that employees are comfortable and proficient in using the system.
• Quality assurance and testing: Implement robust testing procedures to identify and resolve any system errors or functional gaps.

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5. Monitor and Evaluate Progress

Continuous monitoring and evaluation of the recovery plan’s progress are vital to ensure its effectiveness. Regularly assess the implemented  corrective actions, and  measure their impact on your organization’s  operations and  performance. Make  adjustments to the plan as needed based on the  feedback and results  obtained.

erp failures project management

6. Learn from the Failure

A failed ERP  implementation provides valuable lessons that can be applied to future projects. Take the opportunity to learn from the failure, and make the necessary improvements to prevent similar issues in the future.
Some key takeaways may include:

• Improved project management: Enhance project planning,  communication and risk management strategies to minimize the likelihood of failure.
• Better requirements gathering: Invest in thorough requirements gathering processes to ensure that the  implemented system aligns with your organization’s needs.
• Enhanced change management: Focus on change management strategies to facilitate user adoption and minimize resistance to change.
• Robust testing and quality assurance: Implement comprehensive testing procedures to identify and address any system errors or functional gaps before going live. By incorporating these lessons into future ERP projects, your organization increases the chances of success and avoids repeating past mistakes.

7. Collaborate with Experienced Implementation Partners

Partnering with an experienced  implementation partner increases the chances of successfully recovering from ERP implementation failure. Implementation specialists bring valuable expertise, industry knowledge and best practices to the table and help your organization navigate the complexities of the recovery process.

When selecting the best ERP implementation consultant, your organization should consider their experience, client testimonials and industry-specific  reputation. It is important to choose partners who have a deep understanding of your organization’s specific needs and can provide tailored solutions.

Collaboration between the project team and an independent implementation partner is crucial for efficient issue resolution, knowledge  transfer and system  optimization. By leveraging the expertise of specialized implementation  consultants, your  organization expedites the recovery process and  ensures a successful outcome.


Fixing a failed ERP implementation requires a strategic and systematic approach. By assessing the root causes of failure,  developing a recovery plan, engaging executive support, implementing corrective  actions, monitoring  progress and learning from the failure, you can turn a failed implementation into a successful one. Remember, prevention is always better than  recovery, so it’s crucial to invest time and effort into proper planning and execution to minimize the likelihood of ERP implementation failure.

The Ultra Consultants team can help guide your company through an ERP implementation recovery with our proven methodology for success. Reach out today for your free discovery call to get started.

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