Success Stories: Examples of Business Process Improvement

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During a recent webinar, Ultra Consultants COO Rich Sides presented three real-world examples of business process improvement projects carried out by Ultra’s team of expert independent consultants. Each one of these examples follows Ultra’s proven roadmap for business process transformation that starts with an analysis of the current state, reviews the maturity of all processes, creates a vision of the future state and identifies strategies to achieve the future state and gain ROI.

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Business Process Improvement Examples


These business process improvement examples come from three different areas of manufacturing – waste management equipment manufacturing, electronics, and food processing – and involved varied requirements and situations.

Watch how Ultra guided these three enterprises through their business process transformation projects.

#1 Waste Handling Equipment Manufacturers

The first example of business process improvement involved the merger of two companies in the waste handling equipment industry. They had a common set of customers and saw significant value in a merger. When joining the two companies, they found disparate systems and processes, and operational redundancies.

Following Ultra’s tried-and-true methodology, the ERP consultant team conducted a current state analysis, identified change management processes to align the two companies, and defined the desired future state. Finally, they set the foundation for selecting and implementing a new ERP solution that would scale for their expected growth.

Among the values realized by the project, the company reduced costs, improved customer response times, reduced manual efforts, improved IT management, and upgraded its vendor management.

#2 Electronics Manufacturer

This second example of business process improvement centered on an electronics manufacturer. The team from Ultra assessed the business maturity of each process and procedure, identified a business transformation plan and executed it over a short period of time.

The team applied a targeted improvement strategy that resulted in:

  • Reduced shipment process time by 35 percent
  • Increased shipment accuracy by 25 percent from better order picking operations
  • Reduced finished goods inventory on hand by 10 percent
  • Increased inventory accuracy to 98.5 percent across all locations resulting from real-time perpetual material handling

#3 Snacks and Chip Food Processor

Our final real-world example of business process improvement involved a food processor in the snack and chip segment. Taking the company through Ultra’s methodology, the team selected and implemented a new enterprise software solution that would achieve the desired business process improvement and ROI.

Following the first stage of the project, the company was sold to a private equity firm. Ultra’s team continued working with the PE firm to identify competitors for acquisition. A company was acquired and the Ultra team turned to a strategic process to achieve rationalization between the two and roll out common processes and systems.

Are you looking for business process improvement? Ultra’s proven methodology and an objective, in-depth understanding of enterprise software selection and implementation best practices ensure your project delivers ROI. Contact the Ultra team for more information.

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