Why Assess Business Process Maturity?

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Why Assess Business Process Maturity?

As independent ERP consultants, we’re often asked about the right time to select a new ERP solution and inevitably the conversation leads to business process maturity.

We’ve seen the many red flags that tell manufacturers and distributors it’s time to upgrade from an aging legacy ERP system.

The tell-tale signs come when an organization takes time to measure the maturity and health of their current “as is” business functions and an assessment of your company’s overall performance.

View a brief presentation of Ultra Consultants Founder and CEO Jeff Carr as he provides a concise overview about what an ERP project team needs to consider when evaluating the maturity of their processes.

From inventory, shipping, engineering and production to operations and finance, see a handy chart that helps evaluate the maturity of each business process area. The business process maturity webinar highlight helps teams understand a key approach to achieve business process improvement as driven by enterprise technology.

6 Software Selection & Implementation Pain Points + Solutions

Software selection and implementation processes often present challenges of their own. To steer you around trouble and help you drive success, Ultra’s experts compiled a list of pain points and solutions to be aware of as you embark on this journey.

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