2021 in Review: Our Top 10 Blogs

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Year in Review: Our Top 10 Most-Read Blogs

The end of the year is the perfect time to look back and see what was successful (and what was not). And at Ultra Consultants, we like to use this opportunity to evaluate our interaction with customers, potential customers and the manufacturing and distribution industries via our ERP-focused blog. Here, based on the number of page visits, are our 10 most-read blogs for 2021. Check out these informative articles featuring the knowledge and insight of our expert consultants:

strength from new ideas
Examining trends
Dart in center of dart board
Black dart in center of dart board questions about manufacturing execution systems
Red darts in center of dart board
Change just ahead
Blue and yellow dart board with dart in center
Business man using calculator
Determine and Maximize the ROI in Distribution ERP
Illustrated businessman on paper airplane

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, manufacturers have experienced unprecedented supply and demand chain upheaval. The question arises as to how “textbook” supply chain best practices fare in meeting the rigors of this new normal and providing the resilience needed. It’s critical to also ask: What additional supply chain practices must be put in place to provide the flexibility needed to accommodate shifting manufacturing strategies? Learn the changes to make.

In the new now, distributors are challenged like never before. Today, it’s important to do everything that can be done to shave costs, increase revenue and boost profitability. The question – and challenge – is identifying the processes and functions where new efficiencies, extra pennies and an additional tenth of a percentage point in margin can be found. The right metrics will make the answer clear. What are the most important KPIs?

Whether your company is implementing an ERP system for the first time, or replacing a legacy implementation, it’s critically important to make the right choice. An ERP solution is, at its foundation, a strategic choice. What new capabilities does your organization need and want? What problems are you trying to solve? What do you want your core processes to look like? How can new tools enable your organization’s digital transformation? Learn how to make the right choice.

The enterprise software selection process is a long and complicated process – for several good reasons. The solution you choose will affect the way you conduct business for years to come, and it will impact virtually every function. It’s a significant investment, too. But many organizations get off-track right at the start when they go into the selection process believing some common myths about the process. Learn the misconceptions.

Most manufacturing and distribution organizations are challenged by an ERP project. The primary reason? The sheer size and complexity. Also, the typical ERP project cuts across every area of the business. And it’s difficult for an internal team to free themselves from their regular responsibilities. Plus, ERP selection and implementation requires advanced skillsets. Which is why the expertise of an ERP consultant is highly valuable. Learn how to select a consultant.

What’s interesting – and important – now is to look closely at how distributors reacted and adapted to a suddenly (and fundamentally) changed business environment, determine the lessons learned from the unprecedented disruption, and identify the changes forward-looking companies should make to their business, strategies, processes and technologies to prepare for the (inevitable) disruptions to come. Get insight from one of our expert consultants.

Every one of our enterprise technology projects requires a conversation about our role in general, and our responsibilities and tasks specifically. Expertise is valuable. And experience is key to success. Our teams bring deep knowledge of the fundamentals, pain points and core processes of your industry, as well as objective and comprehensive insight into the capabilities of modern solutions. Know more about what we do.

Many organizations skip building a complete business case because they view it as simply justification for an investment in the technology. But a business case adds additional value beyond confirmation of a clear need: It is a critical vision- and goal-setting exercise. And, most important, it forces you to make a detailed plan that sets expectations, guides your project and drives your business transformation. Read a step-by-step guide.

Every manufacturer and distributor is different. And every company will get a different return on their investment (ROI) on their ERP solution. Where will your organization find the payback? Some areas are rich with opportunity. When an ERP project is considered, one of the first tasks is to determine the ROI your more efficient organization could realize with new technology and improved processes. Learn about the 11 core areas for ROI realization.

Of all the possible errors you can make, poorly executed change management (or none) is perhaps the most avoidable cause of project problems and failure. Resistance to change, even positive change, is normal and expected human behavior – and plans must be made to minimize its impact. Change management should be woven throughout the project, embedded in the methodology and infused in the project team culture. Know the six ERP change management strategies.

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